[C1639/8/5]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The act regarding the lawful constitution of this parliament delivered to [Sir Thomas Hope of Craighall], advocate.†
The supplication from some Scotsmen in England and Ireland recommended to [John Stewart, earl of Traquair], the lord commissioner's grace, and to the council to be presented to his majesty, and this to be recorded in the parliament books and no otherwise.†
Regarding that part of the supplication presented by the commissioners of the assembly craving salmon fishing to be discharged upon Sunday, appoints the burghs to speak relating thereto among themselves and with others having interest and to give in the reasons for and against in writing upon Monday next, to be considered upon by his general and lords of articles.†
Regarding that part of the supplication craving the feeing of shearers upon Sunday to be discharged, recommends the same to the justices of peace and kirk sessions where the abuse is committed.†
Regarding that part of the said supplication craving the markets upon Monday and Saturday to be discharged in diverse towns, continues the giving answer thereto until Monday next.†
Regarding that part of the said supplication regarding idle beggars, [John Stewart, earl of Traquair], lord commissioner general, and lords of the articles nominate [John Wemyss], earl of Wemyss, [John Campbell], lord Loudoun and [Robert Balfour, lord Balfour of] Burleigh, [David Carnegie], laird of Ethie, [Sir William Cunningham of] Cunninghamhead, [John Forbes of] Leslie, [Sir James Hamilton of] Broomhill and [Robert Pringle of] Stichill, [David Anderson], commissioner for Cupar, [Gideon Jack, commissioner for] Lanark, [Duncan Forbes of Culloden, commissioner for] Inverness, and [Master Alexander Home of St Leonards, commissioner for] Lauder (not secluding any other who pleases to assist) whom they appoint to meet and peruse all acts of parliament and council regarding idle beggars and idle persons, servants and servants' fees, and the instructions given to the justices of peace, and to give in their overtures for redress of these abuses complained upon to the commissioner general and articles upon Tuesday in writing.†
Regarding the supplication presented by Master David Lindsay, parson of Belhelvie, craving that notwithstanding the rescission of episcopacy and chapters, yet that his benefice or lands held of the chapter provided to him may be specially excepted. [John Stewart, earl of Traquair], lord commissioner general, and articles remitted to give answer thereto until they consider upon the general course which shall be taken regarding all lands and benefices of chapter.†
The answer to the protestation made by the clerks continued until tomorrow.†
Regarding the sitting of two commissioners for Edinburgh upon the articles and to determine what shall be done relating thereto continued until tomorrow.†