[C1639/8/1]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
[John Stewart, earl of Traquair], commissioner general, with the whole lords of the articles present.
Sir William Elphinstone, justice general, protested that the ranking of the officers of state be not prejudicial to that place and precedency due to him as justice general by the custom of this kingdom and reasons which he shall adduce, and thereupon asked instruments.†
[Archibald Campbell], earl of Argyll and others protested against the precedency granted to some officers of state, and [Sir Thomas Hope of Craighall], his majesty's advocate, protested in the contrary, as the same is set down in writing.†
[Sir George Stirling], laird of Keir, in name of the barons, repeated the protestation made in name of the barons upon Saturday last and produced a new protestation this day in writing regarding the election of the articles, and thereupon asked instruments.†
John Smith [of Grotehill] for the burghs adhered thereto, and thereupon asked instruments.†
The lord commissioner general required his majesty's advocate to give heed to the said protestation and make such an answer thereto as may secure his majesty of all privileges due to him, and that he presently make a general answer, without prejudice to the commissioner general or his majesty's advocate to produce a particular answer in writing.†
Sir Thomas Hope, his majesty's advocate, protested in his majesty's name and in name of the lord commissioner general against the said protestation and reasons thereof and certification subjoined thereto as contrary to the laws and acts of parliament and derogatory to the inviolable and uncontroverted custom of all preceding parliaments and liberties thereof, and thereupon asked instruments.†
[George Gordon], marquis of Huntly, for himself and all those who will adhere to him herein, protested that this protestation does not prejudice the noblemen of the ancient privilege and custom, whereby the noblemen have been constantly in use to elect the barons and burgesses, and hereupon asked instruments.†
The Earl of Argyll protested in the contrary, and repeated the protestations made by him upon Saturday last and adhered thereto, and hereupon asked instruments.†
[Members present]†
The Earl of Argyll asked instruments that the lord commissioner general in his proposition regarding the ratification of the acts of the assembly, making mention of the lords of the articles now present, had denominated those articles of parliament and thereby had acknowledged this for a lawful valid parliament, having sovereign power to ratify the same and being rightly constituted of the whole members thereof, and that the same was also acknowledged by the whole lords of the articles.†