[1639/8/31/2]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The which day, after the production of the commissions for the barons and free burghs, commissioners to this present parliament, and after that the whole estates of parliament had convoyed [John Stewart, earl of Traquair], his majesty's commissioner foresaid, in most solemn manner of parliament, according to the accustomed manner thereof, from the palace of Holyroodhouse to the parliament house in Edinburgh, compeared personally the said Sir Thomas Hope of Craighall, advocate to our sovereign lord, and produced in presence of the whole estates now convened in parliament the commission above-mentioned under his highness's great sea,l of the date at Whitehall, 5 August 1639, of the tenor above-mentioned, as the same stands produced on 30 August instant and inserted in the books of parliament that day; which commission so produced was publicly read in open parliament in presence of his highness's commissioner and estates of parliament convened as said is, whereupon, and upon the production thereof and fencing of the foresaid parliament, the said Sir Thomas Hope, advocate, asked instruments.