[1639/8/30/4]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The which day the said commissioners, under the quarter seal above-named, according to the foresaid warrant subscribed by the said John [Stewart], earl of Traquair, his highness's commissioner, under his majesty's great seal, for holding of this present parliament and all summons, actions and petitions, did, for obedience thereof, in his highness's name and authority and in the name of his majesty's commissioner foresaid, continue this present parliament and all summons, actions, petitions and other matters to be treated therein and belonging thereto until 31 August instant; at the which day ordain the whole estates of parliament to attend and await the said John, earl of Traquair etc., his majesty's commissioner, with all due reverence in manner used to others having the like charge of before at his majesty's palace of Holyroodhouse between 9 o'clock and 10 o'clock before noon, that his highness's commissioner and estates of parliament may ride solemnly from the said palace in parliament the said day to the parliament house at Edinburgh; and ordain the said estates to attend until the parliament conclude, under the pains contained in the acts of parliament made relating thereto; and ordain proclamation to be made hereof at the market cross of Edinburgh. Whereupon [Sir Thomas Hops of Craighall], our sovereign lord's advocate, in his majesty's name, asked instruments.