[1639/5/1]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The second parliament of the most excellent prince Charles, by the grace of God, king of Great Britain, France and Ireland and defender of the faith, held and begun at Edinburgh on 15 May 1639 by these commissioners, namely, John [Erskine], earl of Mar, John [Drummond], earl of Perth, Alexander [Stewart], earl of Galloway, John [Maitland], earl of Lauderdale, Alexander [Napier], lord Napier of Merchiston, and Sir Thomas Hope of Craighall, knight baronet, advocate of our supreme lord the king, along with William Dick of Braid, provost of Edinburgh, Master Robert Hay, advocate, for the constable, Arthur Straiton, scribe, for the Earl Marischal, Master John Nisbet, sheriff depute of Edinburgh, and James Dobbie, dempster.
With the suits having been called and the court lawfully fenced.