Act in favour of Master Alexander Keith of Benholm

Our sovereign lord and estates of this present parliament have ratified, approved and confirmed and, by the tenor hereof, ratify, approve and confirm the charter and infeftment made and granted by our said sovereign lord under his highness's great seal to Master Alexander Keith of Benholm, designed therein Master Alexander Keith of Phesdo, his heirs and assignees therein specified, of all and sundry the lands and barony of Benholm, comprehending therein the lands, baronies, castles, towers, fortalices, manor places, mills, woods, fishings and others respectively, particularly and generally expressed and set down in the said charter, which is of the date [...] July 1632, with the precept and instrument of sasine following thereupon in the whole heads, articles, clauses, circumstances and conditions thereof; and wills, grants and declares that this present general ratification and approbation of the same is and shall be as valid, effectual and sufficient to the said Master Alexander Keith, his heirs and assignees specified therein, as if the same infeftment, precept and instrument of sasine respectively were at length, word by word, engrossed and set down herein; concerning which, our said sovereign lord and estates foresaid have dispensed and, by this act, dispense for ever.

  1. NAS, PA2/21, f.139v. Back