[1633/6/171]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Our sovereign lord and estates of this present parliament, considering that the augmentation of the stipend after-mentioned is granted to Master Christopher Knowes, minister at Coldingham, and his successors, for their service of the cure at the said kirk, therefore they have ratified and approved and, by the tenor hereof, ratify and approve the letters of assignation and augmentation of the stipend underwritten made, given and granted by John Stewart of Coldingham, Alexander Cranston of Murieston and Robert Douglas of Blackerston, heritable proprietors and having sufficient right and title to the lands and lordship of Coldingham, kirk and teinds belonging thereto, with express advice and consent of John Home of Renton, proctor, factor and commissioner for the said John Stewart, for augmentation of the same stipend, as the procuratory, commission and power given by the said John Stewart to him relating thereto, of the date 19 July 1632, and registered in the books of council and session upon 19 July 1632, at more length bears. As also with advice and consent of Francis Stewart, son to the late Francis [Stewart], sometime earl of Bothwell, and of the other persons, subscribers of the said assignation and augmentation of the stipend after-specified, in favour of the said Master Christopher Knowes, minister at Coldingham, and his successive ministers at the said kirk, of the date at Blackerston, Edinburgh and Canongate, 9, 13, 17 and 18 July 1632, and registered in the said books of council and session and determined to have the strength of an act and decreet of the lords thereof upon 3 June 1633, by the which, for the causes specified therein, they condescended and agreed to give to the said Master Christopher Knowes and his successive ministers at the said kirk, in augmentation of their present stipend of two chalders of victual, half oats, half barley of the met and measure used of old in Duns, paid to him out of the teinds of the town of Coldingham and teind barnyard thereof, with the vicarage teinds of the said parish ipsa corpora yearly in time coming, all and whole three chalders of victual, half barley, half manured-land oats of the met and measure used of old in Duns, to be paid to the said Master Christopher and his successors out of the teinds of the said parish in manner after-specified, in addition to the said two chalders of victual of the said old met and measure of Duns which he has to be uplifted out of the teinds of the town of Coldingham and teind barnyard thereof and vicarage teinds of the said parish modified to the said minister of Coldingham by the infeftment of erection of the said lordship in manner specified in the said assignation and augmentation; and by the which, for the causes specified therein, they assigned the said three chalders of victual of augmentation to be locally paid to the said Master Christopher and his successive ministers at the said kirk out of the teinds underwritten lying within the said parish of Coldingham, according to the locality following, namely: out of the teind sheaves of the whole town and lands of West Reston, with their pertinents, lying within the said parish of Coldingham and sheriffdom of Berwick (except the teind sheaves of these five husband-lands and a half husband-land, with the pertinents, lying in the said town of West Reston pertaining heritably to Patrick Craw in Heughead and occupied by him and his tenants); and in case the said teind sheaves of the said town and lands of West Reston, with the pertinents (except before excepted), shall not extend to and be able and sufficient to pay the said three chalders of victual of augmentation yearly or in any year in time coming, then and in that case the surplus thereof which the said teinds of the said town and lands of West Reston (except before excepted) be not able to pay yearly or in any year in time coming, to be taken up out of the teind sheaves of these 14 husband-lands lying in Swinewood, with the pertinents, lying within the parish and sheriffdom foresaid pertaining to James Craw of Whitefield and Master Alexander Smith, minister at Chirnside, and the heirs and successors of the late William Craw of Fallobank for payment of the said three chalders of victual of augmentation above-written of the said old measure of Duns as said is, beginning the first year's payment thereof of the crop and year of God 1632, and so forth yearly in all time coming in manner specified in the said augmentation and assignation to the locality thereof, as in the same bearing consent to be ratified and allowed by the lords commissioners for the surrenders and teinds, and that decreet be given thereupon by them in favour of the said Master Christopher and his successors according to the locality foresaid in such due and sure form as appropriate. And also that the said augmentation and assignation to the locality thereof, and decreet to have followed thereupon, were ratified and approved in this his highness's present parliament, with sundry other heads, conditions, articles and clauses at more length is contained, together with the said lords of council and session, their decreet and authority interposed thereto, and with the said procuratory, commission and power given by the said John Stewart to the said John Home of Renton for agreeing and consenting to the said augmentation, with the decreet of the said lords interposed thereto, in all and sundry the heads, articles, clauses and conditions thereof respectively. And will and declare that this present general act, ratification and approbation thereof is and shall be as lawful, effectual and sufficient, as if the same were at length word by word herein expressed; regarding the which and all faults and imperfections thereof, if any be or that may be proposed or alleged against the validity thereof or this present act, ratification and approbation of the same, his majesty, for him and his successors, with advice and consent of the estates of this present parliament, has dispensed and, by the tenor of this present act, dispenses for ever; and statutes and ordains that the said augmentation of stipend and assignation to the locality thereof shall stand as a perpetual law and act of parliament and have full execution for payment thereof in all time coming.