[1633/6/168]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Our sovereign lord, with consent and advice of his highness's three estates of this present parliament, ratifies and approves the charter and infeftment made and granted by his majesty's late dearest father, of most happy and eternal memory, with consent and advice of James [Douglas], earl of Morton, regent and governor of this realm for the time, under his majesty's great seal, to the late Archibald MacLauchlan of that Ilk, and the male heirs lawfully procreated of his own body, which failing to the late Lauchlan, younger, of MacLauchlan, his brother's son, and his male heirs lawfully procreated of his body, of all and sundry the lands underwritten, namely: all and whole the lands of Kilbride, with the castle and fortalice of the same, the lands of Kilmore, the lands of Portindryne, the lands of Letterkethen, the lands of Leaniche, the lands of Scrone and Foirling, the lands of Lephinmore, the lands of Leffenneryoch, the lands of Garwoill, the lands of Leffenkyboill, the lands of Leffendrysicht, the lands of Barnacarry, the lands of Kwnochane, the lands of Auchinelethame, the lands of Midewning, the lands of Ewningover, the lands of Callow, the lands of Overchirvane, the lands of Midchirvane, the lands of Kellenewchane, the lands of Struarthour, the lands of Dunoid, the lands of Barnakill, the lands of Dunmuk, the lands of Kilchoan, the lands of Auchnassallycht†, the lands of Nether Kames, the lands of Over Kames, the lands of Dirrelocht, the lands of Dowkennane, the lands of Drynelie, the lands of Gartingour, the lands of Nether Brancalyie and lands of Over Brancalyie, with mills, multures, woods, fishings, parts, pendicles, tenants, tenancies, service of free tenants of the same and all other pertinents, lying within the lordship of Cowal and sheriffdom of Argyll, of the date 24 February 1573, with the precept and instrument of sasine following thereupon. As also another charter and infeftment made and granted by his majesty's late dearest father to his highness's beloved Lauchlan MacLauchlan, now of that Ilk, as son and heir to the said late Lauchlan, younger, and his male heirs whatsoever, of all and sundry the forenamed lands, with their pertinents, and with the advocation, donation and right of patronage of the kirk of Kilmore, parsonage and vicarage of the same, of the date 10 November 1614, with the precept and instrument of sasine following thereupon in all and sundry heads, articles, clauses, conditions and circumstances thereof whatsoever. And wills and declares that this present ratification and generality thereof is and shall be as valid, effectual and sufficient to the said Lauchlan MacLean†, now of that Ilk, and his male heirs foresaid for possessing and enjoying of all and sundry the forenamed lands and others above-specified, with their pertinents, perpetually in all time coming, as if the foresaid charters, precepts and instruments of sasine following thereupon, whole heads, articles, and clauses thereof were at length word by word engrossed and inserted herein; concerning which, and with all that may be objected thereagainst, our said sovereign lord and his highness's estates foresaid have dispensed and by this act dispense for ever.