[1633/6/167]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Our sovereign lord, with advice and consent of the whole estates of parliament presently convened, has ratified, confirmed and approved and, by the tenor hereof, for his majesty and his successors, ratifies, confirms and approves a charter and infeftment under the great seal, of the date at Edinburgh, 20 February 1618, made, given and granted by the late King James, his majesty's father, of eternal memory, to the late John Erskine of Balhalgardy, his male heirs and assignees whatsoever, of all and whole the lands and barony of Balhalgardy, comprehending therein the particular towns, lands, mills, fishings, chaplainries, advocation, donation, right of patronage, with the teind sheaves of all and whole the lands of Balhalgardy, Pitscurry, three ploughlands of land of Drumdurno, with the whole crofts lying at the Chapel of Garioch, and of the lands of Dorlethen, Pittodrie, the croft of the mill of Inveramsay, and of the land of Knokinglas†, with their outsets and insets specified in the said charter, with the precept of sasine following thereupon and sasine of the same, together with the service and retour, precept of sasine following thereupon and instrument of sasine of the forenamed lands, teinds and others above-written, granted to his majesty's beloved Thomas Erskine, now of Balhalgardy, as eldest lawful son and heir to the said late John Erskine, his father; together also with all other charters, infeftments, rights, titles and securities whatsoever made and granted by our said sovereign lord or his highness's said late father or any of his majesty's predecessors or by any other person or persons to and in favour of the said Thomas Erskine, now of Balhalgardy, or of the said John Erskine of Balhalgardy, his father, or of his late grandfather, great-grandfather, great-great-grandfather on any other of his predecessors of the said lands and barony of Balhalgardy, teinds and others mentioned in the said charter, in the whole heads, articles, clauses, conditions and circumstances therein contained, admitting this present ratification to be as valid and sufficient in all respects as if the foresaid charter and infeftment and other rights and securities foresaid were at length engrossed herein; concerning which, his majesty, with consent of the said three estates of parliament, by this ratification, dispenses for ever, and ordains an act of parliament to be extended hereupon with all clauses needful, and this ratification to be a sufficient warrant relating thereto and for inserting thereof in the register and books of parliament.