Act in favour of Master William Drummond [of Hawthornden]

Our sovereign lord, with advice and consent of three estates of this present parliament, by this act ratifies and approves the charter made and granted by his majesty under his highness's great seal to Master William Drummond of Hawthornden, his heirs and assignees of all and whole that half of all and sundry the lands of Newton of Rires and whole portion thereof, with the manor place, houses, buildings, outsets, orchards, yards, dovecots, tofts, crofts, coals, coal pits, mills, multures, annexes, connexes, parts, pendicles, privileges, pastures and all their pertinents whatsoever, lying within the lordship and stewartry of Fife, which pertained of before to the late Sir William Scott of Elie, knight, one of the ordinary clerks before the lords of council and session, or to some others, his pretended intermediary or immediate authors thereof, held by him or them immediately of his majesty or his highness's predecessors, as being become in his majesty's hands at his highness's gift and disposition by diminution of his highness's rental thereof, and by omission by the said late Sir William Scott and by some of his pretended authors thereof, intermediary or immediate, at the least by the said late Sir William himself in his or their infeftments thereof granted by his majesty or his predecessors of the clause regarding the marriage of the feuars thereof contained in the original infeftment of feu ferm of the same therein specified in manner therein mentioned, which charter contains a new gift and feu of the lands and others foresaid made, granted and set by his majesty to the said Master William Drummond and his above-mentioned of the lands and others above-specified, with a supplement of all things lacking in ample form, and which charter is dated at Denmark House, 20 July 1629, with the precept and instrument of sasine following thereupon in all points, heads, articles and clauses mentioned therein, and decrees and ordains this present ratification thereof to be as sufficient in all respects as if the same were at length inserted herein. And for the said Master William Drummond and his foresaids, their better right and security of the lands and others above-specified, his majesty, with advice and consent above-written, by the tenor, hereof dissolves the lands and others above-written from his majesty's crown and patrimony thereof, to the effect that his majesty may give, grant, convey and set in feu ferm to the said Master William Drummond and his above-specified the lands and others above-mentioned as being become in his majesty's hands, at his highness's gift and disposition in manner above-written, to be held of his majesty and his successors in feu ferm for the yearly payment to his majesty and his successors, their comptrollers, collectors, chamberlains and factors present and that shall be for the time of the sum of £13 usual money of this realm of Scotland at two terms in the year, Whitsunday [May/June] and Martinmas [11 November] in winter by equal portions, 10 bolls of wheat, 12 bolls and 2 firlots of barley, 24 domestic fowl and 12 capons at the terms of payment used and wont, in name of feu ferm, and also the heirs of the said Master William Drummond doubling the said feu ferm the first year of their entry to the said lands, with the pertinents, as use is of feu ferm, and likewise building and upholding a sufficient mansion, with hall, chamber, kitchen, barn, byre, dovecot and other place necessary upon the ground of the said lands corresponding thereto, together with the marriage of the heirs of the said Master William Drummond and his foresaids when it shall happen, and paying all others duties and keeping and fulfilling all other clauses and conditions (if any be) contained in the old infeftments, tacks or rentals of the said lands, which are held as expressed in the said charter, ordaining this ratification to be a sufficient warrant to the clerk register and his deputes for extending of an act of parliament hereupon in due form.

  1. NAS, PA2/21, f.120r-v. Back