Act in favour of Sir Arthur Douglas of Whittingehame

Our sovereign lord, with advice and consent of the three estates of parliament presently convened, ratifies, approves and confirms a contract and appointment, of the date 25 May 1632, registered in the books of council and session upon 28 May 1632, made between Sir William Hamilton of Elieston, knight, son and heir served and retoured to the late Sir Claud Hamilton of Shawfield, knight, his father, on the one part, and Sir Arthur Douglas of Whittingehame, knight, designed therein Arthur Douglas of Whittingehame, on the other part, by virtue whereof, and for the causes therein contained, the said Sir William Hamilton, son and heir foresaid, has sold, assigned, transferred and conveyed to and in favour of the said Sir Arthur Douglas, his heirs and assignees the assignation and right made by Sir George Hamilton of Greenlaw, knight, to and in favour of the said late Sir Claud Hamilton, father to the said Sir William, of the tack and assedation of the teinds, parsonage and vicarage, of Whittingehame, with the parts, pendicles and pertinents thereof whatsoever, and the said tack and assedation assigned to the said late Sir Claud, by virtue thereof, of the dates, tenors and contents specified in the said contract, together with all other rights, tacks, assignations, dispositions and others whatsoever made and conceived in favour of the said Sir Arthur Douglas and his authors of and concerning the said teinds, parsonage and vicarage, of Whittingehame, parts, pendicles and pertinents thereof, in the whole heads, articles, clauses and conditions of the same, willing and declaring that the generality hereof shall be in no way prejudicial to the said Sir Arthur and his foresaids, but the same to be as valid and effectual to him and his foresaids as if the whole tenor and clauses thereof were particularly herein engrossed word for word. And declares the same rights to be good, valid and sufficient to the said Sir Arthur Douglas and his heirs, whereby they may possess the said teinds in all time coming during the time and years contained in the said tacks and rights of the said teinds.

  1. NAS, PA2/21, f.120r. Back