Act in favour of [James Sydserf], laird of Ruchlaw

Our sovereign lord, with advice and consent of the three estates of this present parliament, by the tenor hereof, ratifies and approves the feu charter made and granted by his majesty's late dearest father of worthy memory under his highness's great seal, of the date 16 October 1618, to and in favour of the late William Sydserf of Ruchlaw, his male heirs and of tailzie therein contained, of all and whole the lands of Ruchlaw and mill thereof, built by the said late William Sydserf, with the multures and sequels of the same, manor place, houses, buildings, yards, orchards, annexes, connexes, parts, pendicles and all their pertinents, and all and whole the lands of Howden, with the parts, pendicles, annexes, connexes and pertinents thereof whatsoever, together with commonty and common pasturage within the muir of Lammermuir used and wont and with privilege and liberty of casting and leading away of fuel, peats and heather within the same, all lying within the constabulary of Haddington and sheriffdom of Edinburgh, proceeding upon the forfeiture of the late George [Dunbar] and the late Alexander [Stewart], earls of March, or either of them, as being proper parts and pertinents of the said earldom of March, and pertaining to his majesty's said late dearest father, and being in his highness's and his predecessors' hands by reason of forfeiture through the process and doom of forfeiture, orderly led and deduced against the said late George, earl of March or the late Alexander, earl of March, for certain crimes of treason and lese-majesty committed by them, whereof they were convicted in parliament, as in the process and doom of forfeiture led and deduced relating thereto at more length is contained, to be held of his majesty's said late dearest father and his highness's successors in fee and heritage for yearly payment of the sum of 40 merks usual money of this realm of Scotland at two terms in the year, Whitsunday [May/June] and Martinmas [11 November] in winter, by equal portions, and also the heirs of the said late William Sydserf doubling the said feu ferm the first year of their entry to the lands and others foresaid, as use is, of feu ferm only, together with the precept of sasine following upon the said charter of the date foresaid thereof and the instrument of sasine given by virtue of the said precept in all points, heads, articles and clauses therein contained, after the forms and tenors thereof; and decrees and ordains this present confirmation of the said charter, precept and instrument of sasine to be as valid, effectual and sufficient in all respects as if the same were at length and word by word inserted herein, dispensing hereby with the not inserting thereof. And likewise statutes and ordains the foresaid charter, precept and instrument of sasine following thereupon, and this present ratification thereof, with the infeftment and sasine of the lands and others foresaid made to Master James Sydserf, now of Ruchlaw, and his heirs and assignees therein mentioned, by disposition and resignation of his said late dearest father, are and shall be sufficient, lawful and valid rights and securities to the said Master James Sydserf and his foresaids for possessing and enjoying of the lands and others above-written according to their said infeftments thereof perpetually in all time coming, ordaining this act to be a sufficient warrant to the clerk register and his deputes for extending of an act of parliament hereupon in due form.

  1. NAS, PA2/21, f.117r-v. Back