[1633/6/148]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Our sovereign lord and three estates of parliament presently convened, considering that the parish of Aberdour lying within the diocese and sheriffdom of Aberdeen is so great and spacious that the whole parishioners thereof cannot conveniently resort to the parish kirk of Aberdour to get the comfort of the word preached and the sacraments ministered to them thereat, and considering likewise that Alexander Forbes of Pitsligo, patron of the said parish kirk and parish of Aberdour, out of the fervent zeal which he has to the glory of God and for the more ease to himself and other parishioners of the said parish who dwell beside him at the east end of the said parish (in respect their dwelling, residence and remaining is far distant from the said kirk of Aberdour) has not only upon his own proper charges and expenses built and constructed a new kirk upon his lands and barony of Pitsligo, lying within the said parish of Aberdour, but also with consent of [Patrick Forbes], bishop of Aberdeen, and of the present minister and parson of Aberdour, titular of the said benefice, and of the heritors within the said parish, has divided, at the least is to divide, the same parish in two separate distinct parishes, and has presented a qualified minister to the said new built kirk upon the said lands of Pitsligo. Therefore, and for diverse other good causes and considerations moving his majesty, his highness, with advice and consent foresaid of the said three estates of parliament, has ratified, approved and confirmed and, by this act, ratifies, approves and confirms all divisions, one or more, made, or to be made, of the said parish of Aberdour, between the said patron, with consent of the other heritors within the same parish, and the minister and parson present and to come serving the cure at the said kirk of Aberdour, in the whole heads, articles, clauses, conditions, bounds, limits, meiths and marches thereof, and also all resignations and modifications of stipends that are already, or shall happen to be, assigned and modified hereafter to the minister, present and to come, serving the cure at the said newly built kirk, with all manses, glebes and kirklands that are already, or shall happen hereafter, to be designed thereto, admitting hereby the said divisions, assignations, modifications and designations to be as valid and sufficient as if the same were expressly set down and engrossed herein; concerning which, our said sovereign lord and estates foresaid by this act, dispenses for ever. And further our said sovereign lord and estates foresaid have created and erected and, by this act, create and erect the said newly built kirk upon the said lands of Pitsligo in a separate parish kirk per se, and also the whole lands divided or to be divided from the said parish of Aberdour in a separate parish per se to be called in all time coming the parish kirk and parish of Pitsligo. And because the said Alexander Forbes of Pitsligo is undoubted patron of the said parish kirk and parish of Aberdour (whereof the said newly erected kirk of Pitsligo and parish thereof is a part), therefore our said sovereign lord and estates foresaid, by this act, declare that the said Alexander Forbes of Pitsligo, his male heirs and successors in all time coming, shall remain undoubted patrons of the said parish kirk and parish of Pitsligo and shall have the only undoubted right of presentation of the ministers present and to come serving the cure thereat in all time thereafter, as freely as if the same had not been divided and disjoined from the said kirk and parish of Aberdour in manner foresaid, without prejudice always of their right of patronage of the same parish kirk and parish of Aberdour, whereupon this act shall in no way be prejudicial. And that this present ratification, approbation and erection be extended in the best form with all clauses needful, and be inserted and registered in the books and registers of parliament, and this act to be a sufficient warrant for that effect.