Act in favour of the said Sir James Lockhart [of Castlehill]

Our sovereign lord and estates of this present parliament, having consideration of the true and thankful service done to his majesty by Sir James Lockhart of Castlehill, knight, gentleman of his highness's privy chamber, ordains an act to be made ratifying and approving and, for his majesty and his highness's successors, perpetually confirming that charter and infeftment of the date at Whitehall, 15 March 1633, given and granted by our said sovereign lord in favour of the said Sir James Lockhart, heritable proprietor of the lands underwritten, and his male heirs and assignees whatsoever, heritably and irredeemably, of all and sundry the teind sheaves and parsonage teinds of all and whole the twenty pound land of Lee and fifty shilling land of Nemphlar, with parts, pendicles and pertinents whatsoever, lying within the parish of Lanark, called the out parish thereof, and sheriffdom of the same proceeding upon the resignation of John [Erskine], earl of Mar, lord Erskine, heritable proprietor and titular of the said teind sheaves of the said parish of Lanark, and James [Erskine], earl of Buchan, his son, and containing therein a new gift of the said parsonage teinds, with a union and incorporation thereof to the stock forth whereof the same is to be uplifted inseparably, as in the said charter and infeftment under the great seal at more length is contained, which is hereby held as engrossed word for word herein; with the not inserting whereof our said sovereign lord, with advice and consent foresaid, has dispensed and dispenses for ever in all and sundry heads, clauses, articles, obligations, points, passes, circumstances, and conditions of the same whatsoever specified and contained therein. Likewise our said sovereign lord and estates foresaid of this present parliament will, grant, declare, statute and ordain that the said Sir James Lockhart, his male heirs and assignees foresaid shall hold, enjoy and possess all and sundry the foresaid teind sheaves and parsonage teinds of all and whole the said twenty pound land of Lee and fifty shilling land of Nemphlar, with parts, pendicles and pertinents whatsoever inseparably, with the stock perpetually in all time coming, as their own proper heritage at their pleasure after the form and tenor of his rights and infeftments thereof above-written in all points, without any stop, trouble or impediment whatsoever to be made or moved in the contrary by any person or persons whatsoever, notwithstanding of any defect or infirmity if any be contained in his said infeftments; concerning which, our said sovereign lord, for his highness and his successors, with advice and consent of the said estates of parliament, has dispensed and dispenses, ordaining the foresaid act to be a sufficient supplement of all faults and defects if any be contained in the said infeftments, and against all actions and questions whatsoever that can be made or moved in the contrary. And our said sovereign lord, with advice and consent of the said estates, decrees and ordains this present act to be inserted and registered in the books of parliament and to have the strength, force and effect of a law and statute of parliament with all execution to follow thereupon in the appropriate form.

  1. NAS, PA2/21, f.101r-v. Back