Act in favour of Sir James Lockhart, younger, of Lee

Our sovereign lord and estates of this present parliament, having consideration of the true and thankful service done to his majesty and his highness's most noble progenitors by Sir James Lockhart of Castlehill, knight, gentleman of his majesty's privy chamber, and his predecessors, ordain an act to be made ratifying and approving and, for his highness and his successors, perpetually confirming that charter and infeftment and donation therein contained, granted by Sir James Lockhart of Lee, knight, in favour of the said Sir James, his son, and the late Elizabeth Fairlie, his spouse, the longer liver of them two, in liferent and to his male heirs and assignees therein mentioned, of the date 20 December 1617, of certain pieces and portions of the lands and barony of the Lee, and of the said Sir James and his foresaids of the whole remainder of the same lands and barony, extending in the whole to a twenty pound land of old extent, towers, fortalice, mills, multures and others contained therein, and of the fifty shilling land of Nemphlar, united thereto in a free barony, and of the ten pound land of Hewheids, the superiority thereof, together with the charter of confirmation of the foresaid infeftment granted by our late dearest sovereign lord, King James VI of blessed memory, under the great seal, of the date 29 June 1619, containing therein a new gift of the said lands and barony, and of the burgh of Cartland and lands of Hewheids, erecting thereby likewise the said lands of Lee, Nemphlar and Hewheids in a free barony and the burgh of Cartland in a new burgh, all incorporated in a free barony called the barony of Lee as said is; together with the ratification in parliament granted by our said last sovereign lord and estates of parliament in favour of the said Sir James Lockhart, elder, his male heirs and assignees of the lands, barony and others above and therein mentioned, of the date 23 October 1612, which are held hereby as engrossed word for word, with the not inserting of the which infeftments and act of ratification our said sovereign lord, with advice and consent foresaid, has dispensed and dispenses in all and sundry heads, articles, clauses, obligations, points, passes, circumstances, articles and conditions of the same whatsoever specified and contained therein. Likewise our said sovereign lord and estates foresaid of this present parliament will, grant, statute and ordain that the said Sir James Lockhart, his male heirs and assignees foresaid shall peaceably hold, enjoy and possess the foresaid lands and barony, burgh of barony and others respectively foresaid with the pertinents as their own proper heritage at their pleasure in all time coming, according to the tenor of the said infeftments in all points, without any stop, trouble or impediment, notwithstanding of any defect or infirmity (if any be) contained therein; concerning which, our said sovereign lord, for his highness and his successors, with advice and consent foresaid, has dispensed and dispenses, ordaining the foresaid act to be a sufficient supplement of all faults and defects (if any be) contained in the said infeftments and against all action and question whatsoever that can be made or moved in the contrary, ordaining the same act to be registered in the books of parliament as appropriate.

  1. NAS, PA2/21, f.100v-101r. Back