[1633/6/117]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Our sovereign lord, with advice and consent of the three estates of this present parliament, ratifies and approves the charter made and granted by his majesty under the great seal, of the date at Whitehall, 1 December 1632, in favour of his majesty's trusty servant Patrick Maule of Panmure, one of his majesty's bedchamber, his heirs and assignees therein specified of the barony of Panmure therein mentioned, the lands and barony of Downie therein contained, the lands of Easter Innerpeffer and teind sheaves of the same, as also of the teind sheaves of the kirklands of the Lady Chapel of Carmyllie and of the lands of Both and Cairncorthy, mill and mill lands thereof and pertinents of the same and others therein mentioned, all thereby united in a free barony called the barony of Panmure, to be held of his majesty and his successors in manner therein specified, together with the precept of sasine following thereupon and instrument of sasine following upon the same, in all and sundry points, articles and clauses therein contained after the forms and tenors thereof. And declares, decrees and ordains this present ratification of the said charter, precept and instrument of sasine following thereupon to be as valid, lawful and sufficient in all respects as if the same charter, precept and instrument of sasine following thereupon were at length and word by word inserted and engrossed in this present ratification thereof, dispensing hereby with the not inserting of the same in this present ratification, ordaining this ratification to be a sufficient warrant to the clerk register and his deputes for extending of an act of parliament hereupon in due form.