[1633/6/94]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Our sovereign lord, with advice and consent of his highness's whole estates of this present parliament, ordains an act to be made therein in favour of his highness's trusty cousin John, lord Hay of Yester, his male heirs, of tailzie and assignees whatsoever, ratifying and approving and, for his majesty and his successors, perpetually confirming, likewise his majesty, with consent foresaid, by this act, ratifies, approves and, for his majesty and his highness's successors, perpetually confirms the charter and infeftment made and granted by his majesty's late dearest father of worthy memory to the late William [Hay], lord Hay of Yester, his male heirs and of tailzie therein contained, of all and whole the lands and lordship of Yester, containing therein the lands, lordship, baronies, offices, mills, woods, fishings, advocation, donation and right of patronages of kirks, benefices, chaplainries, provostries and others therein mentioned to be held of his majesty and his highness's successors in fee and heritage of the date under his highness's great seal, 27 February 1590; the precept of sasine following upon the said charter under the testimonial of his highness's great seal for giving sasine to the late James [Hay], lord Hay of Yester, as male heir to the said late William, lord Hay of Yester, of the lands, lordship, baronies and others foresaid of the date 29 May 1591; the instrument of sasine given to him thereof according thereto of the date 7 June 1591, under the sign and subscription manual of the late James Gray, notary public; the service and retour of the said John, now lord Hay of Yester, whereby he is served and retoured son and male heir to the said late James, lord Hay of Yester, of the lands, lordship, baronies, offices and others above-written, of the date the [...] day of [...] 16[...]; the precept of sasine upon the said retour of the date 26 March 1610; the instrument of sasine following thereupon of the date 23 May 1610, under the sign and subscription manual of the late James Gray, notary public; the charter and infeftment under his highness's great seal made and granted by his majesty's late dearest father of worthy memory to the said John, lord Hay of Yester, his male heirs and assignees whatsoever of all and sundry of the lands of Achquhatmur, with the pertinents, lying within the sheriffdom of Lanark, the lands of Rodono, lying within the sheriffdom of Selkirk, and of seven acres of land of Floors, lying within the parish of Peebles at the east end of the burgh thereof, with their pertinents, to be held of his majesty and his highness's successors in feu and heritage, of the date at Holyroodhouse, 18 April 1599; the precept of sasine under the testimonial of his highness's great seal following thereupon of the date of the said charter and the instrument of sasine given to the said John, lord Hay of Yester thereof, according thereto, of the date 29 and 30 June 1599, under the sign and subscription manual of the late James Gray, notary public; the charter and infeftment made and granted by his highness's late dearest father of worthy memory to the said John, now lord Hay of Yester, his male heirs and of tailzie contained in his infeftment of the lordship of Yester of the benefice and tenancies of the crosskirk of Peebles, to be held of his majesty and his highness's successors, of the date under his highness's great seal at his highness's court of Newmarket in England 3 February 1624; the precept of sasine following thereupon under the testimonial of his highness's great seal of the date of the said charter; the instrument of sasine given to the said John, lord Hay of Yester thereof according thereto of the date 30 March 1624, under the sign and subscription manual of Patrick Veitch, notary public, with all and sundry other infeftments, charters, precepts, instruments of sasine, confirmations, services, retours, infeftments following thereupon, procuratories and instruments of resignation and infeftments following upon the same and all other writs, rights, titles and securities made and granted by our said sovereign lord or any of his highness's most noble progenitors to the said John, lord Hay of Yester, his ancestors, their heirs, successors and assignees of the lands, lordship, baronies, offices, tenancies and others therein mentioned of whatsoever date or dates, tenor or contents the same be in all and sundry points, passes, heads, articles, clauses, provisions and conditions whatsoever therein contained, according to the tenors thereof, with all that has followed or may follow thereupon, declaring this present general ratification of all and sundry the evidents and writs specially and generally foresaid to be as good, valid, effectual and sufficient to the said John, lord Hay of Yester and his foresaids for possessing and enjoying of the lands, lordship, baronies, offices, tenancies and others above-written therein contained as their heritage at their pleasure in all time coming, as if all and sundry of the same writs and securities specially and generally foresaid were at length and word by word engrossed herein; concerning which our said sovereign lord, with advice and consent foresaid, has dispensed and by this act, for his highness and his successors, with consent above-written, dispenses for ever. And also his majesty, with advice and consent foresaid, decrees and declares the said writs to be good and sufficient rights, titles and securities to the said John, lord Hay of Yester and his above-written, whereby he and they may hold, enjoy and possess all and sundry the lands, lordship, baronies, offices and others therein contained as their heritage at their pleasure in all time hereafter, and ordains this present ratification to be inserted amongst the other acts of his highness's parliament; concerning which, this ratification shall be a sufficient warrant.