[1633/6/92]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Our sovereign lord, with advice and consent of the three estates of this present parliament, ratifies and approves the three charters after-mentioned, with the precepts and instruments of sasine following thereupon, namely: the first thereof made and granted by his majesty's late dearest father of eternal memory under his highness's great seal to Archibald, lord Lorne, his male heirs and assignees whatsoever, of the lands and others therein specified thereby united in a barony called the barony of Ardnamurchan, of the date at Stirling, 9 March 1625; the second of the said charters made and granted by his majesty under the great seal to the said Archibald, lord Lorne and his foresaids of the lands and others mentioned therein thereby united in a barony called the barony of Balavil, of the date at Holyroodhouse, 5 August 1630; and the third of the said charters made and granted by his majesty under his highness's great seal to the said Archibald, lord Lorne and his foresaids of the lands and others therein specified thereby united in a barony called the barony of Gigha, of the date at Holyroodhouse, 4 February 1632 in all and sundry points, articles and clauses therein contained after the form and tenor thereof, which three charters were all shown and produced before his majesty and the estates of this present parliament. Likewise his majesty, with advice and consent foresaid, declares, statutes and ordains that this present ratification of the said three charters and of the precepts and instruments of sasine following thereupon is and shall be as good and sufficient in all respects as if the same were at length inserted herein, dispensing hereby with the not inserting thereof in this present ratification. And likewise that the said three charters or infeftments, with the precepts and instruments of sasine following thereupon and this present ratification thereof, are, and shall be, sufficient, valid and lawful rights and securities to the said Archibald, lord Lorne and his foresaids, for the peaceable possessing and enjoying of the lands and others above-specified, according to the tenors of the said charters and for the duties therein contained, ordaining this ratification to be a sufficient warrant to the clerk register and his deputes for extending of an act of parliament hereupon in due and competent form.