[1633/6/66]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
In the parliament held at Edinburgh, 28 June 1633, the which day, regarding the petition given in and presented to his majesty and estates of parliament convened for the time by William Douglas of Cavers showing that he, knowing his majesty's royal intention to bring in to the crown all heritable offices, has had more dear to him than the expression of his loyal willingness to give ready obedience to all his majesty's royal commandments, and in particular to resign in his majesty's hands that heritable office of the sheriffship of Roxburgh possessed by him and his predecessors these many ages bygone, which readiness he also witnessed in the time of his majesty's father of happy memory by offering to surrender in his royal hands the said heritable office for the sum of 45,000 merks Scots money, which his majesty appointed to be given to him for the said resignation, but was never paid; and since it was not suitable to his majesty's just and beautiful disposition to take from any of his good subjects that whereto they had right by the laws of the country authorised by possession of long descent without competent retribution made to them for the same, therefore humbly craving that his majesty would be graciously pleased to declare that the extent of his majesty's revocation should not reach to the prejudice of the said petitioner and his successors in their right and possession of the said heritable office until first he were paid and satisfied of the sums of money above-written agreed upon between his majesty's royal father of eternal memory and him, and that his majesty would ordain act and instrument to be made thereupon in the books of parliament, as the said supplication more fully purports. Which being heard, seen and considered by his majesty and estates of parliament, they, after mature deliberation, determine, statute and ordain the said William Douglas, petitioner foresaid, and his heirs and successors, to enjoy, hold and possess his said right and office of heritable sheriffship above-written within the said sheriffdom of Roxburgh as he and his predecessors enjoyed the same of before, and that until payment be made to him or them of the sum of £20,000 Scots money according to an act of council made relating thereto of the date 13 June 1620.