[1631/4/1]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The which day the said commissioners of parliament underwritten, namely: George [Hay], viscount of Dupplin, chancellor of Scotland, John [Erskine], earl of Mar and Thomas [Hamilton], earl of Haddington, lord privy seal, George [Seton], earl of Winton, Alexander [Livingstone], earl of Linlithgow, Sir Archibald Acheson of Glencairnie, knight, secretary, Sir John Hamilton of Magdalens, clerk register, and Sir Thomas Hope of Craighall, knight baronet, advocate to our sovereign lord, having caused fence the foresaid parliament and call the suits thereof as upon the day to the which this present parliament was formerly continued,
The said commissioners above-named, by warrant and for obedience of a letter directed to them from his majesty and produced by his highness's advocate, bearing date from his majesty's court at Whitehall, 18 March 1631, have continued and continue this present parliament in the same form, force and effect etc., with all summons, actions, causes and other matters belonging thereto until 4 August 1631, to be held at Edinburgh or where it shall happen his majesty and his highness's privy council to direct by their letters by open proclamation for that effect; and ordain all the estates of parliament and others, his majesty's lieges, then to await thereupon under the pains contained in the acts of parliament of this realm.
Upon the fencing of the which parliament, continuation thereof foresaid and whole premises above-written, the said Sir Thomas Hope [of Craighall], advocate to our sovereign lord, for his highness's interest, asked instruments.