Warrant for sealing the charter above-written

Forasmuch as the treaty for a general association for the fishing, wherein his majesty was often present, being now concluded by the commissioners for both kingdoms, and with mutual consent of both, to his majesty's great contentment and to the evident good of both kingdoms, as by the charters sent down by his majesty and drawn up according to the heads mutually agreed upon may appear, wherein his majesty has had a royal and special care to preserve the dignity of this his ancient kingdom; and therefore the lords of secret council, according to his majesty's warrant and direction in writing sent to them, ordain and command Sir John Scott of Scotstarvit, knight, director of our sovereign lord's chancellery, to pass and complete the said two charters or signatures through the chancellery, and ordain George [Hay], viscount of Dupplin, lord high chancellor of this kingdom, to append his majesty's great seal to the said two charters, putting the great seal of Scotland in the first place of that charter which his majesty has given as king of Scotland, England and Ireland, and to append the great seal to the other charter which his majesty has given as king of England, Scotland and Ireland in the second place; and ordain the said director of the chancellery to date the said two charters of the date which the other charters for the kingdom of England are, which are dated at Westminster, 19 July 1632. Regarding the doing of the which premises, the extract of this act shall be to the said lord chancellor and director of the chancellery and to either of them a warrant.

  1. NAS, PC1/34, f.32v-33r. Back