[A1630/7/93]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Which two declarations above-mentioned being read, heard and considered by the said lords, they ordained the missive letter underwritten (containing their answer to his majesty's missive letter directed to them) to be written to his majesty, of the which the tenor follows:
Most sacred sovereign,
We have been careful according to your majesty's direction to inform ourselves of the places for fishing necessary to be reserved from the general association for the use of the natives, and having conferred with the burghs and such others of the estates as were here for the time and considered the reasons proposed by them concerning the same, we think that there is a necessity of reservation of the Firths of Lothian, Moray and Dumbarton and of 14 miles distance from the coast interjected between the Red Head and Buchan Ness, and that for the sustentation of the numerous inhabitants dwelling upon the said coast and preservation of the salmon fishing within the same; and as touching the lochs within the other part of the mainland and isles, however the fishings thereof do appear greatly to import the trade, yet the burghs who are chiefly interested therein have been moved for your majesty's satisfaction to relinquish the universality of their former exception and to restrict the same to certain particular fishings, without the which (as they affirm) the trade of the country will be much impaired, and have humbly offered the residue of that which is not excepted to be disposed of by your majesty, accordingly as your majesty, after hearing of the commissioners (who are entrusted with all that may concern this business) shall find fitting to resolve, wherein we are confidently persuaded that your majesty will proceed with that accustomed tender regard towards the well of this your native and ancient kingdom, which in the whole course of this business you have ever been pleased favourably to express. And so with our earnest prayers to God for your majesty's long and happy reign, we rest etc. Perth, 23 September 1631. Subscribed: [George Hay, viscount of] Dupplin, [William Graham, earl of] Strathearn, [John Spottiswood, archbishop of] St Andrews, [George Seton, earl of] Winton, [Alexander Livingstone, earl of] Linlithgow, [John Fleming, earl of] Wigtown, [William Alexander, viscount of] Stirling, [George Gordon, lord] Gordon, [John Erskine, lord] Erskine, Patrick [Lindsay], bishop of Ross, John [Leslie, bishop of the] Isles, [John Stewart, lord] Traquair, [Sir Thomas Hope of Craighall], advocate, [Sir George Elphinstone of Blythswood], justice clerk.