[A1630/7/76]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Sederunt: [George Hay, viscount of Dupplin], chancellor, [John Spottiswood, archbishop of] St Andrews, [Thomas Hamilton, earl of Haddington], privy seal, [John Erskine, earl of] Mar, [James Stewart, earl of] Moray, [George Seton, earl of] Winton, [Alexander Livingstone, earl of] Linlithgow, [John Drummond, earl of] Perth, [Andrew Lamb, bishop of] Galloway, [John Maitland, earl of] Lauderdale, [William Crichton], viscount of Ayr, [Adam Bellenden], bishop of Dunblane, [Patrick Lindsay], bishop of Ross, [George Gordon], lord Gordon, [John Erskine], lord Erskine, [Robert Melville], lord Melville, [David Carnegie], lord Carnegie, [Andrew Kerr], lord Jedburgh, [John Stewart], lord Traquair, [Alexander Elphinstone], master of Elphinstone, secretary†, [Sir John Hamilton of Magdalens], clerk register, [Sir Thomas Hope of Craighall], advocate, [Sir George Elphinstone of Blythswood], justice clerk, [Sir John Scott of] Scotstarvit, Sir James Baillie.
[A1630/7/77]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The which day the missive underwritten directed from the commissioners for the fishing to the lords of his majesty's privy council was presented to the said lords and read in their audience, of the which the tenor follows:
May it please your lordships we have had some meetings with the English commissioners and having demanded all firths, lochs, bays and isles with some distance from the land to be reserved for the natives, it is thought too much except we condescend upon particulars, whereby we may show them that we intend only to reserve so much, without the which the natives cannot subsist and not to hinder this good public work. And therefore we of ourselves not knowing the names of every one of these places do entreat that your lordships would be pleased to inform yourselves particularly of them and to acquaint us with the same and of your opinion therein with diligence. And be assured that as we will be willing to do all things reasonable that may tend to the advancement of that great and good work, so we will omit nothing that does concern the good of our native kingdom, wherewith we are entrusted as we are in duty bound and to be your lordships' affectionate and humble servants. Whitehall, 25 March 1631. Subscribed: [William Douglas, earl of] Morton, [William Graham, earl of] Menteith, [Robert Ker, earl of] Roxburghe, [Archibald Campbell, lord] Lorne, [Sir] W[illiam] Alexander [of Menstrie], Master John Hay, [Master] George Fletcher.
[A1630/7/78]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
To which the provost and bailies of Edinburgh, being warned to answer, and they compearing by Nicol Udwart and Master Alexander Guthrie, their procurators, who alleged that this was a common cause concerning the whole burghs and that they could not give advice therein until they were consulted with the burghs relating thereto. Which declaration being heard and considered by the lords, they have assigned and assign to them 20 April 1631 for giving in a perfect answer and report in writing concerning the particulars mentioned in the said letter.