[A1630/7/51]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The estates presently convened ratify, allow and approve the two acts underwritten made upon 6 August 1630 by the commissioners nominated by the king's majesty for the treaty regarding the erections, surrenders and teinds, the one thereof regarding the party or parties, titulars or heritors, who have not subscribed the general submissions made to his majesty, and the other regarding the security to be given by the heritors who are willing to pay to their titulars and tacksmen of their teinds the valued teind thereof in victual, silver or other kind, in all and sundry points, clauses and articles contained in the said two acts, and after the form and tenor of the same in all points, of the which two acts the tenor follows:
The which day the commissioners nominated by the king's majesty for the surrenders and teinds have found, declared and ordained and, by the tenor of this present act, find, declare and ordain that where any party or parties, titulars or heritors, who have not subscribed the general submissions made to his majesty and notwithstanding have compeared before the said commissioners or before the sub-commissioners and acknowledged the judgement by pursuit or defence and have not declined the judgement nor appealed therefrom, that every such party, titular or heritor, shall be reputed and held as submitters and subscribers of the said general submission and process shall be granted for or against them as if they had subscribed the said general submission.
Item, the commissioners ordain that where the heritors are willing to pay to their titulars and tacksmen of their teind the valued teind thereof in victual, silver or other kind, accordingly as they are valued before the great commission or sub-commissioners, that they shall give a real security by charter or sasine out of their lands to the said titular and tacksmen for payment of the said valued rent of teind in victual, silver or other kind before they be deprived either of right or possession of the same.