[A1630/7/27]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Which being read and considered by the estates, and they acknowledging his majesty's royal and princely care towards the credit, wealth and advancement of this his ancient kingdom manifested so powerfully in the letter and instructions above-written, and being careful to give his majesty such satisfaction therein as they are able to perform, therefore they have nominated and appointed and, by the tenor hereof, nominate and appoint and with that give commission to [John Leslie], earl of Rothes, [James Erskine, earl of] Buchan, [John Kennedy, earl of] Cassilis, [John Lyon, earl of] Kinghorn and [John Stewart, earl of] Carrick, [John Hay], lord Yester, [Andrew Gray, lord] Gray, [Simon Fraser, lord Fraser of] Lovat, [James Ross, lord] Ross, [John Campbell, lord] Loudoun, [John Sandilands, lord] Torphichen, [John Elphinstone, lord] Balmerino, [William Ramsay, lord] Ramsay, [Robert Balfour, lord Balfour of] Burleigh and [John Wemyss, lord] Wemyss for the temporal estate, with such of the lords of privy council as shall be delegated to that effect, and to [Alexander Lindsay], bishop of Dunkeld, [Patrick Forbes, bishop of] Aberdeen, [John Guthrie, bishop of] Moray, [David Lindsay, bishop of] Brechin, [John Abernethy, bishop of] Caithness and [John Leslie, bishop of] the Isles for the clergy, and to Sir Robert Gordon [of Gordonstoun], knight baronet, the lairds [Alexander Strachan] of Thornton, [Sir James MacGill of] Cranstoun-Riddel, [William Cunningham of] Caprington, [James Lyon of] Auldbar, [Alexander Erskine of] Dun, [Sir David Livingstone of] Dunipace, [John Haldane of] Gleneagles, [Sir James Lockhart of] Lee, younger, [William Drummond of] Riccarton, [Sir Patrick Hepburn of] Waughton, [Robert Forbes of] Rires, [Sir James Richardson of] Smeaton, [Thomas Erskine of] Pittodrie, [John Boyle of] Kelburn, [Alexander Cunningham of] Corsehill, John Erskine of Balgonie, George and Alexander Bruce for the gentry, and to Alexander Clerk [of Stenton and Pittencrieff], James Guthrie, Thomas Haliburton, Paul Menzies [of Kinmundy], Master James Cockburn, John Cowan, Master John Hay, Master Alexander Guthrie, Gabriel Cunningham, James Watson, John Williamson, Patrick Hunter, Robert Alexander and Robert Richardson, with such as shall be nominated and given up by the burghs, to convene and meet tomorrow at 7 o'clock in the morning and to confer, reason and treat upon the proposition foresaid made by his majesty regarding the fishing and upon the means and possibility how to bring the same to a good conclusion and to make overtures relating thereto, and to propose and report the same to the estates at their next meeting.