[A1625/10/38]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The estates, considering that one of the chief causes which has procured the scarcity and penury of monies within this kingdom has proceeded from the importation of unnecessary wares, whereof the country stands not in need, and from the exportation of the proper monies of the kingdom and selling of the same as ordinary merchandise in foreign countries, whereas if the native commodities of the country were virtuously used and employed upon the importation of necessary commodities, and if this wicked and mischievous trade of exporting of monies were adverted to and punished, the penury and scarcity of monies would not be so universally aware and apparent. And seeing there are good acts already made and standing in force both against the importation of unnecessary wares and the exportation of monies, the not execution whereof has produced this common evil and want of monies, therefore the estates ordain all the said acts, together with the acts made regarding the prices of sowans† and English beer, to be put to execution and the contraveners thereof to be severely punished. And the estates recommend to the lords of secret council the due prosecution of the said acts and the discovery and punishing of the offenders. And also, the estates ordain and command the master of his majesty's mint that he at no time hereafter take any other satisfaction for bullion but the bullion itself in foreign money as he will answer upon the contrary at his peril.