Order: for the collection of the loan and tax in Aberdeen, Banff and Kincardine
Ordinance anente the collecting of the loane and taxt in the shyres of Aberdene, Bamff and Kincardene.

The estates of parliament, presentlie conveend be vertew of the last act of the last parliament haldine be his matie and the thrie estates of parliament in anno 1641 yeires, haveing hard and considdered the desyre of ane supplicatione presented to them for remeiding and removeing of some impedimentes hindering the collecting and ingathering the loane and taxt within the shereffdomes of Aberdene, Bamff and Kincardine, togidder with the relatione made theranent be Robert, lord Burghly, who was president of the late committy of estates for the northerne effaires at Abirdine, the saidis estaites, for remeid of the saids impedimentes and for bettir collecting and ingathering of the foirsaid loane and taxt be these appoynted for receiveing therof, grantes pouer and warrand to David, lord Elcho and heirby ordeanes him to put and cause be put to dew executione all actes and ordinances made be the late committie of estates at Aberdene for ingathering of the foirsaid taxt and loane within the saids shereffdomes of Aberdene, Bamffe and Kincardene, to the effect the samene taxt and loane may be speedily gottine in and the collectoures and resaveres therof may be ansuered and obeyed without impediment or resistance.

  1. NAS. PA2/23, f.10r. Back