
Prayeres said, rolles called.

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Act and proclamatione chairgeing the severall committies of warr to send tuo of there nomber, with ther clerke, to the parliament with there recordis, actis and orderes of there committies

The estates of parliament, be vertewe of the last act of the last parliament haldine be his matie and thrie estates in anno 1641, considering that forsameikle as be orderes from the conventione of estates it was appoynted that the haill severall shyres should put out in this expedition the just halfe of the nomber of horse and foot laid wpoun them to be put out in the former expeditione, with tuentie dayes provisione, wnder the paine of four hundreth merkes for ilke horseman wanting and ane hundreth punds for ilke footman wanting, to be payed be the heritors, lyferenteres and otheres adebted in payment therof, and that the committie of ilke shyre should be ansuerable therfore and send ane of there owne nomber to give ane accompt therof to the committie of estates at ane certane day bygone. And accordingly, severall orderes being sent to the committie of warr of ilke shereffdome, notwithstanding wherof the committies foirsaidis hes altogidder neglected to put out the just halfe of the nomber of horse and foot foirsaid or make report conforme to the saidis orderes, and therfore the estates of parliament foirsaid ordeanes and commands messingeres of armes to pas and chairge the haill committies of warr of the saidis haill shereffdomes and ther clerkes be oppine proclamatione at ther severall mercat croces of the head burghes of ilke shyre to send tuo of ther nomber, with ther clerke and the recordis of there actes and orderes, to compeir before the saids estates of parliament, if they be sitting, and failzieing thereof, before the committie of estates that shall be appoynted for the tyme, wpoun the [...] day of [...], to ansuer wpoun ther disobedience of the saidis orderes, and to heir and sie them decerned to make payment of ane hundreth pundis for ilke footman and four hundreth merkes for ilke horseman not put out be them as said is, and to heir farder course takine theranent as the saidis estates of parliament or ther committies shall thinke fiting, and that they compeir wnder the paine of rebellione and puting of them to the horne. With certificatione to them and they failzie letters shall be direct simply to put them therto etc. and the saidis committies to have ther releife off the heritors and otheres subject in payment.

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Procedure: commission to the lieutenant general
Commissioune to the erle of Callender to be lieutennent generall

The estates of parliament, presently conveined be vertew of the last act of the last parliament haldine be his matie and the thrie estates in anno 1641, taking to ther consideratione the many threateningis of invasione abroad and intestine plotes of malignantes within for subversione of religione and disturbance of the peace of the kingdome, have thought it necessare that this kingdome be put in ane present pouster of defence and forces leveyit for defending the cuntrie and pursueing the enemyes. And finding it necessare that all officeres of warr be established for the good of this service, and perfytly knoweing the worth and habilities of James, erle of Callender to exerce and dischairge the place or chairge of lieutennent generall of all the Scotts forces who are in service or shall serve in this commoun cause in Scotland or England, alsweill horss and foot and alsweill by sea as land, therfore the saidis estates, with consent of the lord generall, have nominat and electit, lykeas be thir presentes, with consent foirsaid, electes, nominates and chooses the said erle of Callender to be lieutennent generall of all the saids Scotts forces who are in service or shall serve in this commoun cause in Scotland or England, alsweill horse as foot and alsweill by sea as land; with power to him to exerce and dischairge the said place with all the honors, priviledges, dignities and otheres whatsomevir perteaneing and belonging therto in such ample forme and maner as any other leutennent generall in the lyke kynd ought and should doe. For bettir performance quherof, the saidis estates does heirby promeise to cause all faithfull and dewtiefull obedience and assistance be givine to him in executione of his said chairge in what he shall doe or command, conforme to the articles of militarie discipline allreddy set doune be the estates with advyse of the said lord generall; and incaise of ony damnage ore lose to be sustenit or incurrit be the said erle in his goods or fortunes, ather by accepting of this chairge or in the executione of the same, the saidis estates are and shalbe heirby obleidged to refound the samen to him and his successors eftir dew examinatione and tryell therof, and thir presentes to endure ay and quhill the same be recalled by the parliament, conventione of estates or ather of ther comitties respectively.

  1. NAS. PA2/23, f.5v. Back
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Declaration: concerning the lieutenant general's commission
Declaratione for the erle of Callender anent his acceptinge of the commissione

Forsameikle as the paper wnderwrittin givine in for the erle of Callender, lord lieutenuent generall, quherof the tennor fallowes: The erle of Callender accepted of the commissione to be lieutennent generall wndir conditione that no persone soevir be interposit or have precedency in command betuixt him and the lord generall in the armies and forces leveyed or to be leaveyed be the kingdome of Scotland in or without the samene and imployed in this commoun cause within Scotland or England. Being publictly red in audience of the estates of parliament, now presently conveind be vertew of the last act of the last parliament haldine be his matie and the thrie estates in anno 1641, the saids estates of parliament agried to the samene as being trewly expressed be the said erle of Callender the tyme of his acceptatione to be leutennent generall, and ordeanes this act to be extracted and delyvered to the said erle of Callender heirwpoun.

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Order: continuation of process
Ordinance in favoures of Thomas Nicolsone, burges of Aberdene, and otheres

The estates of parliament, now presently conveind be vertew of the last act of the last parliament haldine be his matie and the thrie estates in anno 1641, haveing considered the suplicatione givine in be Thomas Nicolsone, burges of Aberdene and the otheres persones therin specified, desyreing judges delegat to be chosine to take precognitione of the criminall process persewed be the relict and bairnes of umqhill Williame Broun aganes the supplicantes before the justice, and of the other criminall process persewit be the supplicantes aganes Sir Alexander Gordoune of Clunie and his associates lykewayis before the justice, and in the meanetyme to give warrand to the justice to continowe the dyet of the proces aganes the supplicantes quhill the judges delegat report the precognitione to be tane be them theranent; the saidis estates continowes the dyetts of both the foirsaids process whill the fourteine of Junii instant, and in the meanetyme ordeanes the severall estats to be advysit in ther severall bodyes with that pairt of the desyre of the supplicatione anent the precognitione therby craved.

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Committee Members: committee for borrowing of money
Committie for barrouing of money

The estates nominates the erles of Cassilles and Lanerke, the lords Yester, Burghly and Barganie for the noblemen, the justice clerke, the lairds of Litleprestoune, Cambuskenneth, Ayttoun, Garthland and Deanemylne for the barrones, the commissioneres of Dundie, Glasgow, Air, Kinghorne, Archbald Sydserfe and Robert Fleyming for the burrowes, and appoyntes anie sevine of them to be a quorum, there being tuo of everie estate, and the lord chancellour and president of the parliament to be supernumerarie, to be wpoun the committie for barroweing of moneyes for the use of the publict, to whom or quorum foirsaid the estates grantes that same power and warrand in all respectes and in the samene maner as wes granted to the committie of the conventione of estates anent the barroweing of money for the use of the publict; and also grantes power to this committie or ther quorum foirsaid to give order for uplifting and intrometing with the malignantes rentes for the use of the publict, and ordeanes the lord chancellour and lord president to be supernumerarie in the commissione as said is.

  1. NAS. PA2/23, f.5v. Back
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Order: in favour of the laird of Gight
Ordinance in favoures of the laird of Geicht

The estates of parliament, haveing hard the desyre of George Gordoune of Geicht proponed be the erle of Lanerke, president of the committie for regulating of process, desyreing liberty to wryte to his lady and that ane ypothecarie might cum in to the tolboothe to him for his advyse and helpe; as also that Geicht might be fred of the burdene of the interteanement of his brother, who is lykewayes in prisone, the saids estates grantes the foirsaid desyre and permittes Geicht to writ to his lady, the lettir being allwayes sene and allowed be the foirsaid committie; as also grantes liberty to ane ypothecarie to have acces for the laird of Geicht in the tolboothe for advyse and helpe of his health in respect of the weaknes of his body, quhairanent thir presentes shall be a sufficient warrand. And the supplicant condischendes that Patrike Hepburne is the apothecare whom he designes whom the estates permittes to have acces ut supra.

  1. NAS. PA2/23, f.5v. Back
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Act of approbatione and exonoratione in favoures of Sir Williame Scot of Harden and Sir Thomas Ker of Caveris

The estates of parliament, now presently conveined be vertew of the last act of the last parliament haldine be his matie and the thrie estates in anno 1641, haveing hard and considered the supplicatione givine in be Sir Williame Scot of Harden and Sir Thomas Ker of Cavers, quhilke wes publictly red in audience of the parliament, beirand ane particulare compt of ther cariage anent that quhilke wes recommendit to them be the committie of estates in Apryle last conserneing the invasione than made be the erle of Montroise and these other noblemen and other rebellious and unnaturall Scottismen of his faction wpoun the south borderes, for giveing notice and conveineing togither in hostile maner of the erle of Buccleughes freends, vasselles, tennentes and otheres weill affected gentlemen and otheres in the cuntrie for repelling and resisting of the said erle of Montroise and his saids rebellious associates, as the said supplicatione at lenth proportes; and haveing compaired, the saids supplicantes, thair chairge, actiones and proceidings heiranent, with the chairge recommendit to them be the committie of estates as said is, the saids estates of parliament findis and declaires that the said Sir Williame Scot and Sir Thomas Ker hath in all fidelity cairfully and diligently caried themselves in that whilke wes recommendit to them be the committie of estates, and ratifies and approves ther conveining of the erle of Buccleughes freends, vasselles and tennentes and of the haill remanent gentillmen and otheres [of] his maties leiges with ther men, tennentes and serveantes in a body furnished with all sort of armes for repelling of the said erle of Montroise and his rebellious associates; and also allowes thair haill actiones and proceideings in the said bussines as done for the honor and weill of the cuntrie and of the good cause in hand. And for exonoratione of the trust put wpoun them be the said committie of estates, lykas the estats findis and declaires that the said Sir Williame Scot and Sir Thomas Ker, ther cariage heiranent, hath deserved weell of the publict and caried themselves as loyall subjectes to the king, faithfull servantes to the estates and trew patriots to the cuntrie; and therfore the saids estates exoneres them of the foirsaid commissione or recommendatione foirsaid put wpoun them be the said committy of estates.

  1. NAS. PA2/23, f.5v. Back
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Proclamation: rendezvouz of troops at Kelso
Proclamatione for the commanderes and officers wnder the erle of Callenderes chairge

The estates of parliament, now presently conveend be vertew of the last act of the last parliament haldine be his matie and the thrie estates in anno 1641, considdering that the erle of Callender, lieutennent generall, is with all diligence this eftirnone to repaire to the army at Kelso, therfore these are to command and chairge all commanderes and officeres quhatsomevir, both horse and foot, (except these who are memberes of parliament who are not to goe bot as they shall gett orderes with there haill regimentes, companies and troupes) wndir the paine of death to be at the randevous at Kelso at the tymes falloweing, viz: the troupes and horsemen the morne at eight houres in the morneing, and the foote the morne at night, being the tuelfe of this instant of Junii, as they love the good of the commone cause, peace and saifty of the kingdome; and ordeanes the samene to be intimat at the croce of Edinburghe presently be ane lyoun herauld be sound of trumpet.

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Committee Members: committee for the propositions of peace
Committie for the propositiones of peace

The estates nominates the marques of Argyle, the erles of Mershell, Mar, Mortoun, Glencairne, Pearth, Dumfermeling, Roxburghe, Lanerke, Callender, the lords Ballmerino and Burghly for the noblemen, the lairds of Halkertoun, Wairistoun, Gairthland, Toftis, Carnocke, Ballhoussie, Coudoune, Cambuskenneth, Litleprestoun, Craigivar, Grenocke and Pitarro for the barrones, Sir Johne Smyth, the comissioneres of Pearthe, Dundie, Abirdene, Lithgow, St Androw, Glasgow, Couper, Montroise, Drumfreis, Dumbartane and Bamff for the burrowes (or ony fyfteine of them, ther being four of every estat) to be ane committee, to whom or ther quorum the estates gives power and warrand to consider wpoun the articles of the propositiones of peace, and to report to the parliament.

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Committee Members: committee for the commissions granted by the last parliament
Committie for considdering the commissiones in the last parliament

The estates nominates the erle of Sutherland, the lordis Yester, Balmerino and Burghly for the noblemene, the lairdis of Pittarro, Sir David Murray, Pittodrie and Clerkingtoun for the barrones, the comissioneres of Linlithgow, Dumbartane, Bruntyland and Dysert for the burrowes (or any sevine of them, ther being tuo of everie estate) to be ane committie for considdering and reveising the commissiones granted be the last parliament, and to report to the parliament.

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  11. NAS. PA2/23, f.7v. Back
Committee Members: committee concerning the army in Ireland
Committie concerneing the armie in Ireland

The estates nominates the marques of Argyle, the erle of Glencairne, Cassilles, Lothiane [and] Lanerke, the lord[s] Sinclaire and Burghly for the noblemen, the lairds of Creich, Grenocke, Craigivar, Lag, Coudoun, Dawicke [and] shereffe of Galloway for the barrones, Sir Johne Smyth, the commissioneres of Glasgow, Couper, Montroise, Irving and Bruntyland for the burrowes (or ony sevine of them, there being tuo of every estate) as ane committy to consider what may concerne the army in Ireland.

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