Quinto Junii 1644

Secunda dies parliamenti


Prayeres said, rolles called.

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Procedure: protests over precedency

The erle of Callender protested that the enrolling and calling of the erle of Levine before him should not prejudge him of his dew place of precedencie.

Maister James Baird, advocat, in name of the erle of Levine, protested in the contrair.

Maister James Baird, for the erle of Dallhoussie, protested that the calling of the rolles and nameing of the erle of Lindesay before him should not prejudge him of his due place of precedencie to the erle of Lindesay.

Maister Thomas Nicolsone, advocat for the erle of Lindesay, protested in the contrair.

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Procedure: ordering of the house
Articles anent the ordering of the house of parliament

The articles condischendit and agried wpoun in the last parliament for ordering of the house of parliament being red in audience of the estates of parliament now conveind, the estates, eftir voyceing, approves the samene with this additione: that they ordeane my lord register to be adjoyned to that article where it beires only thrie clerkes of parliament to be present.

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Act anent the tuo commissiones for the sherreffdome of Lanerke

Forsameikle as there being tuo commissiones produced in parliament for the sherefdome of Lanerke, the ane therof granted to Sir Williame Carmichaell and James Hammiltoun of Dallserfe, and the other to Sir James Lockhart of Ley and James Hammiltoun, younger, of Midhallis, quhilke being both red in audience of parliament and thereftir the commissioneres hinc inde hard viva voce anent quhilke of them should be preferred and admitted as commissionares for ther shyre, the estates of parliament allowes and approves the foirsaid commissione granted to the saids Sir Williame Carmichaell and James Hammiltoune of Dallserffe as the first of the saids tua commissiones producit.

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Warrant: concerning the justice courts
Warrand to the justice

The estates of parliament grantes warrand and power to the cheefe justice and justice deputts to keepe and hold there courtes and dyetts and proceed and minister justice therintill as accords of the law notwithstanding of the sitting of this highe court of parliament, and specially but prejudice of the generallity foirsaid to proceid in the mater criminall betuixt the laird of Clackemanane and Gavyne Mershell, and ordeanes the justice to acquant the parliament before ony interloquitor or sentance in this particulare.

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Procedure: commission for regulating all processes
Commissione for regulating of the process of these cited to the parliament

The estates of parliament nominates and appoyntes the erles of Cassilles, Pearthe and Lanerke for the nobility, the lairds of Coudoune, Toftis and Ballhoussie for the barrones, Sir Johne Smyth, Johne Sempill and Mr Alexander Douglas for the burrowes (or any thrie of them, ane being of every estate, for ane quorum) to be ane committee for regulating all process aganes these cited to the parliament, to whom or there quorum the estates grantes power and commissione to sommond and examene witness per modum inquisitionis befor the discussing of the relevancie and to doe what farder can conduce for regulating of the saidis process; and declares the depositiones sua to be tane shall be usit as probatione eftir the discussing of the relevancie, and appoyntes the first dyet of ther meiting to be the morne at eight hours in the Great Parliament House, with power to this committee or ther quorum to appoynt ther dyetes of meiting and thereftir to report to the parliament.

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Committee Members: committee for the borrowing of money
Anent the barroueing of money

The estates approves the act and power and committee of estates for barroweing of money to indure whill Satirday nixt inclusive, and nominates the erles of Cassilles and Lanerke, the lordis Yester, Burghly, Forrester and Balmerino for the noblemen, the justice clerke, Litleprestoune, Denemylne, Bogie, Sir Archbald Campbell and Pitlethy for the barrones, the commissionares of Dundie, Linlithgow, Glasgow, St Androis, Bamff and Kinghorne for the burrowes to be ane comittee for barroweing of money dureing the space foirsaid.

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Eodem die, postmeridiem

Committee Members: committee for the witnesses in the process against Lord Banff
Committee anent the Lord Bamffe

The estates nominates the erle of Lithgow and Lord Elphingstoune for the noblemen, the lairdis of Stenhopis and Balhoussie for the barrones, Johne Sempill and Mr Alexander Douglas for the burrowes, to whom (or any thrie of them, there being ane of everie estate) the estates grantes power and commissione to examine these cited as witness in the process aganes the Lord Bamffe wpoun sicke interrogatores as the procurators of estat shall give in and to discuss objectiones aganes the witness and to report to the parliament. Ordeanes this committie to meit the morne at 7 houres in the Over-Excheckker House and ordeanes ane maiser to adverteise the Lord Banff and witness then to attend the said committie.

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  8. NAS. PA2/23, f.4r. Back
Committee Members: committee for the levy
Committie for the leavie

The estates grantes commissione to the marques of Argyle, the erle of Lothiane, the lords Burghlie or Sinclaire and Kirkcudbright for the noblemen, the lairdis of Ruthven or Harden, Garthland, Lochnaw and Wairistoune for the barrones, the commissioneres of Edinburghe, Stirveling, Air and Couper for the burrowes (or any eight of them) to treate wpoun sicke articles as shalbe thought to conduce for the good of the leavie wnder the chairge and command of the erle of Callender and for his commissione, and adjoynes the Erle Mershall to this committie, and appoyntes the dyet of meiting to be presently, and ordeanes them to consider and report to the parliament.

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  8. NAS. PA2/23, f.4r. Back