Procedure: precepts to Captain Jackson
Precept to Captain Jacksone

The convention of estates ordaines and comands Williame Thomsone to delyver to Captane Jacksone tua hundreth pund Scottis for provyding of reid cottoun and greene linnen to be syde cloathes to his ship quhilk is imployed for the publictis service, for the quhilk thir presents sall be his warrand.

The convention of estates ordaines and commands the baillies of Leith to use their best endeavoris to procure a shallop quhilk the estates hes conditioned to furnishe to Captane Jacksone for the use of his ship imployed in the service of the publict, and that the saidis baillies make pryce for the same and report to the convention, that orderis may be given for payment thereof.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.139r-139v. Back