Procedure: appointments of rutmasters in Perthshire
Rutmaisters in Perthshyre

The convention of estates being informed of some lett occasioned in the putting out and uplifting of the troupes of horse appoynted to goe in this present expedition to the north throw the rutemaisteres named be the shyre there not accepting of their charge, and the estates finding it necessar that some qualified and able persons be made choise of for these charge, doe therefore nominat and appoynt Oliphant, younger, of Bachilton and [...] Moncreiffe, brother to the laird of Moncreiffe, to be rootemaisteris to the tua troupes now to come out of that shyre, and ordaines the committie of warre of the shyre to call thame before thame, that intimatione heirof being made unto thame, they may accept and goe about their severall charges.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.138r. Back