Letter: to the English parliament

Right honorable,

The convention of estates, haveing considered your lords lettres of the 22 and 30 of Januar, and knowing that on the successe and welfaire of that armie doeth muche defendthe good of religion and peace of this kingdome, have beene most carefull not onelie in giveing orderis for bringing out of the remander horse and foote, baggage and ammunition horse to the rest of the armie, bot also have beene thinking on the best meanes how present soumes of money may be lifted for suppleeing the necessiteis both of that armie and of the other that is in Ireland. And for that end, efter serious deliberation, have agreed unanimouslie upon ane excise, as will more fullie appeare to your lords be the enclosed copie of the act it selfe. Yitt fearing that the moneyes that sall arise upon this excise come not in tymeouslie for a present supplee, they have thought fitt that there be presentlie borrowed tuentie thousand pund, whereof ten to be sent to the armie in Ireland with fyve thousand bolls of meale beside the fyve that hes lyen this while in Leith, and the other ten is to be employed for the use of the armie in England, and the comittie are presentlie to goe about the same.

They have also, according to your desyre, changed the quorum of your comittie to anie seven promiscuouslie in absence of the rest of the estates, whereof yow sall receave the enclosed act. They have alwayes ordained this kingdome to be presentlie putt in a posture of defence and provideing of armes and ammunition, and have resolved not onelie that these regimentis in the northerne shyres who have not come out alreadie be presentlie called out, bot also that some forces be readie in eache shyre to come out for a recrue to the armie as they sall be requyred. The particular way thereof will be best knowen to yow be the enclosed act agreed unto be the estates for that purpose.

They have also given order for advance and outreik money to foure surgeons, eache whereof is to serve a brigad, and will be carefull that with all diligence they be direct thither.

Upon the recept of your lords lettre of the 30 of Januarie, proclamation wes made at the mercate croce of Edinburgh upon the first of Februar comanding all officeris of the armie to repaire to thair severall places in the armie within ten dayes, under the paine of losseing of thair places. And conseaveing it suteable to our duetie and course formerlie observed be us to pretermitt no opportunitie which may witnes the loyaltie of our intention, our due respect to his matie and sinceritie of our desyres for settleing of trueth and peace upon the grounds exprest in the covenant, we have sent yow the warrand of a supplication or remonstrance to be made be yow to his matie in behalfe of this kingdome wherein we could not discend into particularis, bot leave them to be exprest be yow as yow find the posture of affaires and the fittest opportunitie to mak use therof. So praying that God may blesse yow and us in all the passages of this great worke wherein both kingdoms are so deeplie engadged and we honored to be employed, we rest.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.135v-136v. Back
  2. Sic. 'depend' in APS. Back
  3. Sic. 'also' in APS. Back