Procedure: payment of arrears to John Leslie
John Leslie

The convention, considering that Johne Leslie of the Myres is written for be the committie of estates with the armie to doe service in the present expedition, and that their is yitt owing to him some soumes of money for his service in the last expedition whereof he receaved precept from the commissioneris of the commoun burdens upon Williame Thomeson, doe therefore requyre and comand Williame Thomeson to pay the same, conforme to the precept formerlie direct to him theiranent; or if money can not be had that way, yitt the estates appoyntis and ordaines William Thomeson, commissar deputt, to pay to the said Johne Leslie tuo hundreth pund sterline in pairt of payment of the soumes owing him and conteined in his former precept, and that out of the readiest of anie publict moneyes being in his handis, in respect it is both owing to him for his former service and will be ane outreik to him in this expedition.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.132r-132v. Back