Edinburgh, the 30 of Januarie 1644

Procedure: precepts granted
Precept to Hew Kennedie

Forsamekle as Johne McAlmont, upon the elleventh of December 1642, obteined ane tickit of recept of ane hundreth threttein barrelles ry at aughteene shilling the barrell frome George Mure, leiuetenent colonell to the general's regiment in Ireland, quhilk recept and bill wes accepted be Johne Campbell, commissar deputt, as his testificat upon the tuentie six of the said moneth beires, and wherunto Hew Kennedie, late baillie of Air, and John Kennedie, his brother, ar assigneyes, as the assignation shawen to the convention of estates beires. And they haveing also seene the compt of the pryces of the said ry with ane yeeres annualrent, extending in all to ane thousand three hundreth and seventein pundis, auchteene shilline Scottis fitted and cleired by their owne order, and a testificat under the hand of Williame Thomsone, commissar of the armie, that they have not receaved payment thereof, therefore ordaneis the general collector of the loane and his deputtis to pay and delyver to the said Hew and Johne Kennedies the said soume of ane thousand three hundreth and seventeene punds, aughteene shilline Scottis as for the pryce of the said ry and annualrent foresaid out of the first and readiest of the loane moneyes not alreadie disposed of be publict warrand, quheranent thir presents with the parteis recept sall be their sufficient warrand.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.125r. Back
  2. NAS. PA8/1, f.125r-125v. Back
  3. Sic. 'thre[score]' in APS. Back
  4. NAS. PA8/1, f.125v-126r. Back
  5. Sic. 'tuelfe thousand [three hundreth and] nyne [punds] tuelfe' in APS. Back
  6. NAS. PA8/1, f.126r. Back
  7. NAS. PA8/1, f.126r. Back
  8. NAS. PA8/1, f.126r. Back
Precept to George Jamesone

Forsamekle as George Jamesone, provest of Coupar, by contract made betuix the estates of this kingdome and him of the fourth of August last hes delyvered to Alexander Mure, ordinar receaver of the Scottis armie in Ireland, the number of tuo thousand, six hundreth, threttie ane bolls, three furlottis [and] ane peck [of] meale for the use of the said armie, as the recept of Alexander Mure, receaver of the victuall of that armie, beires; for the quhilk the estates are obleidged to pey sixteene merkes for the boll, with six hundreth auchtee pundis half a merke for a quarteris annualrent at Candlemes nixt; and the saidis estates, haveing seene the compt of the pryces of the said meale cleired and fitted by their owne warrant, whereby it is found that their is due to the said George for the quantitie of meale foresaid tuentie aught thousand threttie tuelffe punds, threttene shilline, foure pennies, with fyve hundreth three score ane punds, six shilline, aught pennies for a quarters annualrent, and finding it just and reasonable that he sould be payed of the said soume for the meale foresaid, therefore the estates presentlie conveened gives heirby warrand to the general collector of the loane and his deputtis to pay and delyver to the said George Jamesone the said soume of tuentie aught thousand threescore tuelff punds, threttene shilline, foure pennies, with the said soume of fyve hundreth threescore ane punds, six shilline, aught pennies for a quarteris annualrent for the meale foresaid transported be him as said is, and that out of the first and readiest of the loane money not alreadie disposed of be public warrant, quheranent thir presents with the parteis not of recept sall be their sufficient warrand.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.125r. Back
  2. NAS. PA8/1, f.125r-125v. Back
  3. Sic. 'thre[score]' in APS. Back
  4. NAS. PA8/1, f.125v-126r. Back
  5. Sic. 'tuelfe thousand [three hundreth and] nyne [punds] tuelfe' in APS. Back
  6. NAS. PA8/1, f.126r. Back
  7. NAS. PA8/1, f.126r. Back
  8. NAS. PA8/1, f.126r. Back
Precept to Robert Gordon

Forsamekle as Robert Gordoun, merchant in Air, hes, conforme to ane contract past betuix the estats of this kingdome and him on the fourth of August last, transported and delyvered in Ireland for the use of the Scottis armie there nyne hundreth fourtie ane bolls, tua furlottis [and] three peckis of meale, as the recept therof under the hand of Alexander Mure, ordinar receaver for the said armie, beires. As also the said Robert Gordoun and his partiner have transported and delyvered for the use of the said armie ane hundreth foure score nyne barrells of beanes at the pryce of auchteene shilline sterline the barrell, as ane other not of recept therof under the hand of the said Alexander Mure beares. And the estates considering that be contract they are bund to pay to the said Robert sixteene merkes for eache boll of the said meale at the terme of Candlemes now ensueing, togither with nyne score tuelffe punds for a quarteris annualrent of the same fra Martimes last to this Candlemes, and finding it just and reasonable that he sould be tymeouslie payed of the saids pryces of his meale and of the beanes transported be him as said is, and the compt of the haill being fitted be their warrand and extending in all to tuelff thousand, three hundreth and nyne punds, tuelffe shilline Scottis, theirfore the estates presentlie conveened gives heirby warrand and command to the general collector of the loane and his deputtis to pay and delyver to the said Robert Gordoun and Johne Fergusone, his partiner, the said soume of tuelfe thousand threttie nyne tuelfe shilline Scottis for the pryce of victuall furnished be him as said is, and that out of the first and readiest of the loane money not alreadie disposed of be publict warrand, quheranent thir presents with the parteis not of recept sall be their sufficient warrand.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.125r. Back
  2. NAS. PA8/1, f.125r-125v. Back
  3. Sic. 'thre[score]' in APS. Back
  4. NAS. PA8/1, f.125v-126r. Back
  5. Sic. 'tuelfe thousand [three hundreth and] nyne [punds] tuelfe' in APS. Back
  6. NAS. PA8/1, f.126r. Back
  7. NAS. PA8/1, f.126r. Back
  8. NAS. PA8/1, f.126r. Back

Edinburgh, the 30 of Januarie 1644

Act anent the quorum of the committee

The convention of estates considering that some occasions may and oftymes occurre at the armie quhilks will requyre some speedie resolution and cannot delay untill a full nomber of their committie be conveened, for which purpose the estaites declaires that when ever the quorum formerly appoynted sall not be present, it sall be lawfull to anie seven of the haill nomber promiscouslie to determine upon all materis that falls within the compas of their commission.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.125r. Back
  2. NAS. PA8/1, f.125r-125v. Back
  3. Sic. 'thre[score]' in APS. Back
  4. NAS. PA8/1, f.125v-126r. Back
  5. Sic. 'tuelfe thousand [three hundreth and] nyne [punds] tuelfe' in APS. Back
  6. NAS. PA8/1, f.126r. Back
  7. NAS. PA8/1, f.126r. Back
  8. NAS. PA8/1, f.126r. Back
Procedure: recommendation in favour of Sir Frederick Hamilton
Sir Frederick Hamilton

The estates taking to their consideration the valorous caradge of Sir Freiderick Hamilton against the rebells in Ireland thir tuo yeeres bygane, with the losse he hes susteened and extreemities he hes beene put to throw his constant and religious opposeing of the saidis rebells, and finding this condition to deserve speciall consideration, doe theirfore recomend to the committie of estates to tak suche course heirin as his deserveings and conditions doeth requiyre.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.125r. Back
  2. NAS. PA8/1, f.125r-125v. Back
  3. Sic. 'thre[score]' in APS. Back
  4. NAS. PA8/1, f.125v-126r. Back
  5. Sic. 'tuelfe thousand [three hundreth and] nyne [punds] tuelfe' in APS. Back
  6. NAS. PA8/1, f.126r. Back
  7. NAS. PA8/1, f.126r. Back
  8. NAS. PA8/1, f.126r. Back
Committee Members: committee for raising of a supply

The estates appoynts the earle of Glencairne, Lauderdaill, Burlie, Loure, Elibank, Dundas, Greenock, Halkertoun, Denmylne, Kemnay, Edinburgh, Aberdein, Dundie, Lithgow [and] Bruntyland (or anie seven, being tuo of everie estate, the chancellor being supernumerarie) to consider on the readiest meanes of present raiseing of tuentie thousand sterline (quherof ten to be sent to the armie in Ireland besydes fyve thousand bolls of meale to be bought and sent to them with the other fyve thousand bolls presentlie in Leith, and the other ten thousand pundis to be employed for the use of the armie in Ingland) upon publict or privat suretie, and the warrandice theirof, and to report.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.125r. Back
  2. NAS. PA8/1, f.125r-125v. Back
  3. Sic. 'thre[score]' in APS. Back
  4. NAS. PA8/1, f.125v-126r. Back
  5. Sic. 'tuelfe thousand [three hundreth and] nyne [punds] tuelfe' in APS. Back
  6. NAS. PA8/1, f.126r. Back
  7. NAS. PA8/1, f.126r. Back
  8. NAS. PA8/1, f.126r. Back