Procedure: commission to Job Ward
Comission Job Warde to be colonel

Forsamekle as Job Ward, esquyre, in the countie of Wicklow in Ireland hes beene ane humble suitor that he may have libertie upon his owne expense to levey ane regiment of foote to be employed in the publict service of this kingdome, and the estates presentlie conveened, considering that the said regiment being uplifted may be usefull to this kingdome in the present expedition, did therefore appoynt the said Job Ward to be colonell of the same, giveand, grantand and committand to him the said place and office with the priviledges belonging theirto; with power to him and his officeris to levey the said regiment (consisting of ten companies and eache companie of 120 souldiers) where ever he may convenientlie have the same, and for this effect to touck drumes, display culloris, appoynt his under officeris and to doe everie thing els toward the uplifting, leading, conducting and governeing of the said regiment quhilks are requisite and according to the articles of militarie discipline and direction of the lord generall, his excellence; comanding magistrats to assist him in the execution heirof as they will be answerable.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.119r. Back