[Petition by James Stewart, duke of Lennox, great admiral]

My lordis and uthairis of the conventioune of estaitis of this kingdome, humblie meanis and schawis, James, duik of Lennox, great admirall of this said kingdome, and Alexander, earle of Linlithgow, viceadmirall of the samen, that quhair we, the said James, duik of Lennox, ar heretablie infeft and seisit in the office of admiralitie and in the lieutennentrie generall be sea, with all dewties, casualities, privileges and immunities pertening and belanging therto and judges in all causes criminall and civill belanging to the said office; and seing that we ar maist willing to obay your lordis ordour in everie thing incumbent to the said office for the guid and ease of his majesties leidges, and that now, as we ar informit, your lordis ar geiving ordour for setting furth of sume schippis of warr to guard the coistis and to skour and cleir the samein of pirottis and sea theaves and to bring in all such as sall be apprehendit, to be tryet and judgit according as they sall be fund to deserve, heirfoir beseikis your lordis that according to ws, the said duik of Lennox, our heretabill right, and conforme to the ordour observit in this kingdome in the lyk caices of befoir, your lordis wold be pleasit to tak such cours as that our said office be not prejudgit in directing of letters of mark or reprizall, taking of cautioune and geiving instructiounes to such quha sall receave and accept the samein; bot that we and our deputtis may have the full powar of directing of the saidis warrandis, taking of cautioune and geiving of instructiounes, judging and ordoring of pryses, conforme to our said richt and infeftment and custome inviolablie observit of befoir in matteris of the lyk kynd; and that your lordis will geive warrand to us for that effect; and als that your lordis will be pleasit to remitt all seafairing bussines quhilkis sall be presentit befoir your lordis, with any billis anent waiff, wrack, wair or such uthair thingis as ar propper to the judicatorie of the admiralitie to the judgment therof. And your lordis answer.

Edinburgh, primo Augusti 1643

Red in hearing of the convention and ordand to be represented to the severals estats and ther opinions reported.

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