Procedure: commission for the horse troops
Commission and capitulation for the horse troups

Articles of capitulatione and agriement [betuixt] the convention of the estaites of the kingdome and Sir Johne Broun of Fordell, knicht, Thomas Craig of Riccartoun and Williame Stewart.

Inprimis the saids estaites have nominat and appoynttit the said Sir Johne Broun to be major of thre troupes of horse to be levied and to be rutemasters of on[e] of the saids troupes, and the saids Thomas Craig of Riccartoun and Williame Stewart to be rootemasters of the uther tuo troupes, with power to them to appoynt thair under officeres of thair awin troupes themselffes, for whom they salbe answerable, and to levy and uplift the truperes theroff to the number of 60 trouperes in each troup besyde the officeres. And the saids estaites appoynts and ordaines the pay of the said major, rutemasters, thair under officeres and trouperes to be as followes, viz: the said Sir Johne Broun, his awin pay to be monethlie 200 lib. as major and rootemaster; and the pay of the saids Thomas Craig and Stuart to be each of them monethly 150 lib.; the pay of the liuetenent of each troup to be 67 lib. 10 sh. monethlie; the cornettes pay of each troup to be 54 lib. monethlie; the quartermasteris pay of each troup to be 45 lib. monethlie; the troumpetteres pay of each troup to be 30 lib. monethlie; the pay of tuo corporalls for each troup to be for each corporall 36 lib. monethlie; and becaus the frequent watching the saids troupes wilbe put to requyre more corporalls, the estaites hes allowit to on everie troupe, whom the capitane shall nominat, the sowme of 9 lib. more monethlie then his ordinarie pay to mak up the pay of a corporall, and they to supplie the place of a third corporall in each troupe; the smith of each troup, his pay to be 27 lib. monethlie; and the pay of everie trouper of the saids 60 trouperes in each troup, 27 lib. monethlie; and the saids estaites ordaines the said major and tuo ratemaisteres to have presentlie payit to each of them at the delyverie of this thair commissione 40 sh. sterling for every on[e] of thair truperes forsaids in contentatione of thair levy money and furniture of horse and airmes, and the said major and rutemaster to have a monethes pay advancet at the tyme of thair inrolment, quhilks troupes, officeres and trouperes thairoff salbe payit at the rate and proportion abovewrittin dureing ther imployment and service quhilk salbe at leist for fyve monethes efter thair randivous efterspecifit and therefter ay and whill they be dischargeit by the saids estaites or any haveing power from them; and on the uther pairt, the said Sir John Broun (and the Lord Balcaresse, cautioner for him), and the said Thomas Craig of Rickartoun (and Sir Archibald Johnstoun of Wariestoun as cautioner for him), and the said Williame Stewart (and the marquesse of Argyll as cautioner for him) doe heirby bind and obleidge them with all diligence under the paine of 5,000 merks to levie and uplift thair troupes, consisting of the officeres and trouperes foirsaids sufficiently provydit with able horse and men, with airmes and furniture fitting for service, viz: with pistolls of ane lairge boare, steill capes and braid swordes and all uther furnitour necesser for trouperes to be outreigged upon thair awin charges, and the wholl troup to be levyed compleit betuixt and the 13 of September nixt, at quhilk tyme they sall mak thair randivous upon the links of Leith befoir such persoune or persounes as the convention shall appoynt. At quhilk randivous, the estaites hes allowit to the saids rutemasters for everie trouper that they shall muster, provydit in maner foirsaid, the sowme of tuentie shilling sterling over and above the sowme of 40 sh. allowed for levy money and all uther charges; quhilk sowme of tuentie shilling sterling for every trouper the saids rutemasters and thair cautioners are obleidgeit to pay to the saids estaites or such as shalbe appoyntit be them at the dismission of the saids troupes; and siclyk at the foirsaid randivous there salbe payit to the saids truperes a monethes pay by advancement. And the saids rutemasters and thair cautioners are obleidgeit under the paine foirsaid to obay all such ordoures and directiones as they shall from tyme to tyme receave from the said convention or any haveing power and warrand from them, and that they sall keip good ordour and discipline when they lye in thair quarteres and be upon service or uther imployment, and shall behave themselffes in all expeditiounes as resolute and faithfull souldieres.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.91v-92v. Back
  2. 'of' in APS. Back