Edinburgh, 18 August 1643

Proclamation: for putting the nation in a posture of defence
Proclamation to all men to be in reddines

Forsameikle as the estates of this kingdome presently conveined, taking into thair most serious consideration the greate and imminent danger of the trew Protestant reformed religion and of the peace of the kingdome from the treatcherous and bloodie plottes, conspiracies, attemptes and practisies of papistes, prelattes, malignantes and thair adherents, have efter mature deliberatione thoucht expedient to enter into a solemne and mutuall covenant with the kingdome of Ingland for the defence of the true Protestant reformed religione in the kirk of Scotland and the reformatione of religioune in the kirk of Ingland according to the word of God, the exemple of the best reformed kirks, and as may bring the kirk of God in both kingdomes to the nearest conjunctione and uniformitie in religione and kirk governement, and sicklyk to preserve and defend the richtes and priveledges of parliament and liberties of the kingdomes respective, and to preserve and defend the king's maties persoune and authoritie in the preservatione of the said true religione and liberties of the saids kingdomes, and to preserve the articles of the late traittie and peace betuixt the tuo natiounes, and to assist and defend all that enter into this covenant in the maintaining and persewing thairoff, as the same more fully proportes, which as it wilbe a comfort and encouragement to all Christianes who feare God and love religione, to all good and loayell subjectes who trewlie honour the king and to all true patriottes who tender the libertie of thair cuntrey, so doubtles it will exasperate and inrage the saids papists, prelates, malignantes and thair adherentes to practise and execute all the mischeiff and crueltie they can against this church and kingdome, as they have done in Ingland and Ireland. For preventing wherof, the saids estaites, according to the practise of the counsall, conventioun of estaites and acts of parliament in former tymes of exigence, hes resolved to put this kingdome with all possible speid in a present posture of defence, and for the better securetie and saiftie thairoff, hes statute and ordained, lykas by thir presents they statute and ordaine that immediatly efter the publicatione heiroff all the fensible persounes within this kingdome betuixt 60 and saxtein of quhatsumever qualitie, rank or degrie sall provyde themselffis with 40 dayes provisioune, with ammunitione, airmes and other warlyk provisione of all sort in the most substantious maner for horse and footte, with tentes and all uther furnisching requisite, and that the horsemen be airmed with pistolls, bread swords and steill capes; and quher thir airmes cannot be had, that thei provyde jackes or secreites, lances and steill bonnettes and swords, and that the footemen be airmed with musquet and sword or pik and sword; and quher these cannot be had, that they be furnisched with halbert, lochwaber axes or jedburgh staffes and swords; and thairfoir ordaines letteres to be direct chargeing heraulds, purseventes [and] messingers of airmes to pas to the mercate croce of Edinburgh and the severall burrow and paroch kirks of this kingdome, and ther by oppen proclamatione to mak publicatione of this present act and ordinance, wherthrow nane pretend ignorance of the samen, and to command and charge all and sindrie his maties subjects (being fensible persounes betuixt 60 and 16) to provyde themselffes in maner forsaid, and to be in readines to mak thair randivous thus armed at the places to be appoynted by the saids estaites or committies haveing power from them within 48 hours efter they salbe lawfully wairned by ordour from them to that effect, as they will testifie thair affectione to the true Protestant religione, the liberties of the kingdome, his maties honour and the peace and saiftie of this thair native cuntrey, under the paines to be esteimed and punisched as enemies to religione, the king and cuntrey, and thair haill goods to be confiscat to the use off the publict.

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Warrant: for borrowing £40,000 Scots
Warrand for borrowing 40,000 lib.

Forsameikle as it is necesser that present moneyes be had for outreiking the three troup of horse and fyve companies of foote that are to be presently raised, and that the sowmes appoyntit for maintaining of these forces are not payable till Candlemes nixt, thairfoir the estaites recommendes to the generall collectour to borrow upone private suretie or utherwayes, and for payment of annualrent fra the borrowing, the sowme of fourtie thusand pund Scottis for that effect, and quhilk is to be payit out of the first of the sumes to be lifted in this kingdome; and falyeing thairoff, the estaites declaires that the same sall remane as a publict debt upon the kingdome.

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Edinburgh, 18 August 1643

Act against the earle of Carnewath

Forsameikle as Robert, earle of Carnewath is ordourly denunceit rebell and put to the horne for not payment making to Johne Jossie, in name of the estaites of this kingdome, of the sowme of ten thusand pund as a fyn imposed upon him for his not entering his persoune in waird, conforme to the charge geven to him for that effect, at the proces of quhilk horning he yet remaines unrelaxit, takand no regaird thairoff, bot hes the haill benefeit of his land and rentes as if nather law nor justice were able to overtak him, in hich and proud contempt of his maties authoritie. For remeid theroff, the estaites hes heirby ordainit and ordaines that the first trupes of horse or foote souldieres that shalbe levyed within this kingdome doe repair furthwooth efter the first randivous to the said earle, his duelling housses and lands, tak possessione thairoff, intromet with the maill and dueties of the samen, tak thair awin interteinment thairoff, being imployit for the use of the publict, ay and whill he mak payment of the said fyne; and the estaites declaires that quhatsoever sowmes of money or victuall sall be tane from or payed be the tennentes or utheres duelling on the lands to and for the use of the saids souldieres, that the samyn is heirby allowed in pairt of payment of the said earle, his rent, and doeth frie the tenents and utheres forsaids of the samyn and all farder payment theroff. And it is further declaired that quhatsoever salbe tane up be this way is without prejudice of the payment of the ten thusand pund foirsaid.

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Edinburgh, 18 August 1643

Declaration: from the English commissioners

The quhilk day the earle of Lindsay presentit and exhibite unto the estaites ane demand from the commissioners of both housses of the parliament of Ingland, wheroff the tenour followes:

A desyre of the English comissioners and the ansuer of the estats

Wee, the commissioneres from the tuo housses of the parliament of Ingland, haveing on the 12th of this instant August delyvered in to the honorable convention of estaits a paper expressing the desyres of the parliament of Ingland for assistance from thair breithrein of Scotland for thair securitie of religion and libertie against the popisch and prelaticall pairtie with thair adherentes now in airmes in the kingdome of Ingland, and understanding the pressing necessities of that kingdome, desyre that wee may receave ane answer thairunto from this honorable convention with all possible and convenient speid.

The estaites declaires that befoir they tak into thair consideratione the paper geven in to them this day from the Inglisch commissioneres, they desyre to know the particular demands that are to be geven in thairupon, and recommends to the committie to call for them.

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Edinburgh, 18 August 1643

Act in favors of John Forrest

Anent the supplication presentit to the convention of estaites be Johne Forrest, bowmaker, burges of Edinburgh, makand mention that quher, by ordour from the committie appoyntit for outreiking shippes for secureing of the coast, he hes made 15 dissone of halff pickes for the use of the saids shippes, and he hes also 1,000 piks, quhilks, by warrand, he also made for the use of the publict and all are lying on his hand to his greate prejudice; and quheras he is but a meane servant and hes bein very steidable to the cuntrey the tyme of the trubles, humblie therfoir desyreing that ordor may be geven for takeing of thir piks aff his hand and ready payment theroff, lykas at mair lenth is conteinit in the said supplicatione. Whilk being red and considerit be the saids estaits, and they finding the desyre thairoff to be reasonable, the estaites ordaines the supplicant's piks and halff piks abovewrittin to be tane aff his hands and put in the publict magazine be the generall of the artailliarie, and recommends to the commissioneres for the common burthenes to sie him tymouslie payit for the samen as salbe agreit by the generall of the artailliarie.

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  3. 'Edinburgh' is written at the top of this folio. Back
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Edinburgh, 18 August 1643

Act in favors of the laird of Greenock

Anent the supplicatione presentit to the convention of the estaites by Johne Schaw of Grinock, makand mention wheras there is ane lon of aucht hundreth thousand pund and ane taxatioun of ane hundreth and tuentie thousand pund grantit in this present convention to be upliftit out of the severall shyres and burrowes within this kingdome, conforme to thair severall proportiounes theroff; and inrespect his maties umqhile dearest father of worthie memorie, be his letteres patent grantit to umqhile Johne Schaw of Grenock, the supplicant's grandfather, his aires and successoures and ther tenents, under the privie seall, of the dait 16 day of November 1589, and ratified in parliament the fyfte day of Junii 1592, exeimit the said supplicant, his umqhile father and thair tennents of the lands of Grenock, Finnerett and Spango fra all payment of any impositiounes, taxationes, stents or subsidies ordinar or extraordinar within this kingdome in all tyme thairoff for quhatsumever cause or occasion, and that for incuragement and recompence to the supplicant, his said umqhile grandfather and his forsaids for the bigging of the kirk of Grenock and erecting the samyn in ane severall paroch kirk and parochin on his awin propper charges and expensses, bigging of ane manse to the minister and designing of ane yeard thairto of his awin propper heritage, as the said letteres patent ratified as said is mair fullie proportes; and sua in equitie the supplicant aucht to be declairit frie of this present loane and taxatione, humblie thairfoir desyreing the saids lords to declair him to be frie and exeimit thairoff, whilk being done, the supplicant is content out of the sense of his interest in the common cause, both for religion and suppressing of the rebellion in Ireland, to contribute his best assistance in advanceing in lending als much (if not moir) to such as are in present action for suppressing the said rebellion as his proportion of the said lone or taxatioun will amount unto, and sall instruct the samen to the collectour generall betuixt and the time of payment of the said loane; utherwayes I sall plead no imunitie; but prejudice alwayes of his execution in tyme cumeing, lykas at mair lenth is conteinit in the said supplicatione. Whilk being red, hard and considerit be the saids estaites, and they being thairwith and with the instructiones of the said petitione and the supplicantes volunter offer weill advyseit, the saids estaites exeimes him now as off befoir from paying any pairt of the said loane and taxatione abovewrittin and recommends him to the generall collectour for that effect.

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  2. NAS. PA8/1, f.90r. Back
  3. 'Edinburgh' is written at the top of this folio. Back
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  8. Sic. exemption? Back