Procedure: report of the marquis of Argyll's accounts
The marques of Argyllis accompts allowed

The estaites, haveing red and considered the act of counsell underwrittin made in favoures of the marqueis of Argyll, have allowed and allowes and approves the samyn, and ordaines it to be insert and registrat in the books of conventioun, wherof the tenour followes:

M[arquis of] Argyll, 81,377 lib. Scots

At Edinburgh, 10 August 1643

Forsameikle as the marqueis of Argyll hes be publict warrand and otherwayes advanced certane greate sowmes of money for furnisching victuall, hering and utheres necessares for the use of the Scottis airmie in Ireland, extending to the sowme of fourscoir on[e] thousand, thre hundreth seventie seven punds, ten shilling v d. Scottis, as the particular compt thairoff revised and allowed be the commisser of the airmie under his hand doeth appeare; and the lords of privie counsell finding that the said sowme hath bein undertane and advanced be the said marques for the necessarie good of the airmie, and that it is just that his lord have releiff and repayment thairoff, they doe therfoir declaire and ordaine that the said sowme, with the annualrent thairoff from the times of Lambes last, to be als tymeouslie and thankfullie payit to him, and is als just a debt upon the airmie as any uther sowmes advanced for furnisching the airmie be contract with the counsell, and that thei will have a cair to sie the same payit with the first publict course that shall be tane for releiff of the said airmie or payment of any sowmes that have bein advanced for furnisching thairoff. It is alwayes heirby declaired notwithstanding the tuelff thowsand pund Scotts lent be the said marques upon the act of counsell, commissioneres of peace and common burdings is compted as a pairt of the said sowme, yet the same (with the lord marques, his awin voluntar consent) is only to be payit when payment shalbe made to otheres who advanced upon that securitie. And the haill sowme abovewrittiin being payit, all former actis, contractis or bands for the samen or any pairt thairoff shalbe voyde of non effect.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.67r-67v. Back