[1643/6/25]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Most sacreid soverane,
The greate extremities of the Scottisch airmie in Ireland throw want of the pay due to them, the greate and heavie burdings this kingdome lyeth under by [the] not tymeous payment of the remander of the brotherlie assystance due from Ingland, and the deip sense of the dangeres and trubles of religioune, your maties persoune and peace of thir kingdomes moved the lords of your maties secreit counsell, with advyse and concurse of the commissioneres for the peace and common burdings, to call this conventioun. So haith it bein our cheiff caire since our meiting to contribute our best advyse and assystance for so necessarie dueties, and becaus nothing is more pressing then the necessitie of the Scottisch airmie, we have begun to tak this first to our consideratioun, and are endevoureing by all possible meanes to raise moneyes heir to supplie thair present wantis and provydeing for thair future interteinment wntill some course be tane by the houses of parliament for ther satisfactione, conforme to the lait traitie made to that effect. Ther is a greate impediment which doeth hinder victuall and uther provisiounes sent to them and maks thair conditioun the more hard, which we think fit to represent unto your matie. That thair be many shippes, friggottes and fliebotts from Dunkirk manned with Spainyeards, Irisches and uthers who tak, spoyle, rob or burne all Inglisch or Scottisch shippes, tortour, demaine and keip captives the sailleres and passingeres, wheroff we cannot but [...] very sensiblie, and think it strainge that since ther is no warrs betuixt your matie and Dunkirk, they sould in such ane avowed way commit acts of so great hostilitie against this kingdome. And becaus the parliament by the articles of the treattie are oblidgeit to guard the Irisch cost with some ships for that effect, and sall from tyme to tyme render your matie ane accompt of our proceidings, wherin we resolve to work with that integritie as may witnes that nothing is so deare to us as the good of religioun, your maties honour and saiftie and the peace and prosperitie of your kingdomes. So praying to God to blisse your maties long and happie reigne over us, we rest. Sic subscribitur, Loudoun, cancellarius, I.P. conventionis.