Procedure: commission for equipping ships
Commission to John Kenedie for outrigging of tua ships

The conventioun of estaites gives heirby power and commissioun to Johne Kenneday, burges of Air, to repair with all diligence to the tounes of Air, Irwin or any other place in the west sea coast, and thair to agrie the best way he can with a ship and pinnace to goe out against these Irisch and Dunkirk friggottis that doe so much truble and spoyle his maties subjects of thir kingdomes; and to doe thair best by all possible meanes in persewing the saids friggottis and taking the pyllats being therin, and in guarding of the passage. With power lykwayes to the said Johne Kenneday to tak, areist and presse any cannon or ordinances that salbe fund in these boundis to put in the said ship and pinnace, if thei have not sufficient of thair awin; and quhilk cannon the estaits declaires they wilbe answerable for the redelyverie thairoff or just satisfactione for the same to the awneres thairoff efter the service is done. And ordaines the provest and baillies of Irvein and Air and all uther magistrattis to burgh and land to concur and be assisting to the said Johne Kenneday in everie thing that may contribute to the outreiking of the said ship and pinnace as thei salbe required thairto by the said John Kenneday, who is authorized by the estaits to agrie for outreiking of the same. And the estaits declaires they will sie the said John Kenneday thankfully and tymeouslie releived and repayit of quhat he sall agrie for, dispurse or give out for outreiking of the said ship and pinnage and maintainance thairoff ay and whill they salbe dischargeit of the service by the conventioun of estaits or any haveing power from them for that effect; and the said Johne to mak speidie report of his proceidings to the conventioun.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.47r. Back