Edinburgh, 28 Junii 1643

Committee Members: committee for furnishing the army in Ireland
Committie for furnishing the army in Ireland

The convention of estats presenlie convend gives heirby power and commission to the earle of Weimes, lords Elphinston, Burley and Loure, the lairds of Lag, Phillorth, Wauchton and Libberton, and the comissioners of Lithgow, Kingorne, Kirkaldie and Air, or to anie seven of thame, their being tuo of eache estate, to agree with merchants the best way they can for furnisheing of meale to the Scots armie in Ireland, not exceeding the nomber of ten thousand bolls; and for that effect to mak contracts with the merchants in name of the estats, and quhilk sall be haldin as the deid of the estats. With power to the said comittee to give precepts to John Jossie for payment of these soumes that sall be agreed upon for the meale; and also with power to thame to agree with persons for outrigging of ships to goe on against the Irish and Dunkirk frigots that infest his maties good subjects, and to sett doune in writt the articles and conditions of the agreement, and to report the same to the convention. And for the better furthering of the service, recommende to thame to bind for the moneys that are to be borrowed for outrigging and maintening thir ships, of the whiche soumes the estats binds thame to sie the said committe tymouslie releived and fred of all skaith they may incurre therthrow.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.44v. Back
  2. NAS. PA8/1, f.44v. Back
  3. NAS. PA8/1, f.45r. Back
Procedure: letter to be drafted to the king
Antrim's papers

The convention ordains a letter to be written and sent to his matie acquainting him with the depositions of the earle of Antrim and his servands, and with the letters written be Nithisdail and Aboyne to the earle of Antrim.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.44v. Back
  2. NAS. PA8/1, f.44v. Back
  3. NAS. PA8/1, f.45r. Back
Procedure: delivery of Antrim's papers to the English parliament
Antrim's papers

The convention of estats ordans a copie of the deposition of the earle of Antrim, Nane Dick and James Stuart, his servants, and of the letters written be the earle of Nithisdail and vicount of Aboyne to the earle of Antrim and were fund upon the said earle when he wes apprehendit, to be delyvered to Mr Welden, to the effect he may acquaint the house of parliament therwith.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.44v. Back
  2. NAS. PA8/1, f.44v. Back
  3. NAS. PA8/1, f.45r. Back