Act of constitution

The noblemen, barons and burgesses presently conveened, considering that this convention wes, by proclamation in his maties name and authoritie, lawfullie called for the great and urgent necessities exprest in the act made theranent of the 12th day of May last, have found and declared, and heirby finds and declares, that the same is a lawfull, free and full convention, consisting of all the members therof, and hath power to treate, consult and determine in all matters that shall be proposed unto thame als freelie and amplie as any convention quhilk hes beene within this kingdome at any tyme bygane.

The estats ratifies all acts, sentences, orders and decreits given by thame in any particular quhatsumever since the first diet of thar meitting and befor the act of constitution of the convention above written.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.43v-44r. Back
  2. NAS. PA8/1, f.44r. Back
Act anent recording of protestations

The estats presentlie conveend discharges the clerk of the convention to mak record, give out extracts or tak anie notice in the publict registers of anie protestations, declarations or instruments made or to be made be anie maner of person at this convention without speciall warrand therfore frome the saids estats, quheranent thir presents sall be his warrand. It is alwayes declared that protestations made be noblemen or others for precedencie are excepted out of this act.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.43v-44r. Back
  2. NAS. PA8/1, f.44r. Back