Procedure: complaint against the earl of Carnwath
Remonstrant against Carnwarth

The quhilk day Sir Archbald Johnstoun of Wariston, in name and by warrant of the commissioners of shires, and Sir Johne Smith, in name of the commissioners from brughs, declared that the barons and burgesses being informed that Robert, erle of Carnwath had, in presence of his matie and some noblemen, traduced the proceedings of this kingdome, quhilks are ratified and allowed by his matie and estates of parliament, in so farre as upon occasion of the commissioners that wer direct to his matie in January last, thair pressing libertie to go to London, conforme to thair instructions and safe conducts, the said erle of Carnwath, in opposition therof and of the desires of this kingdome, proudlie averred and said to his matie in the hearing of some noblemen these or words to that effect, viz: 'Sir, it is a strange thing to see that they wer not satisfied to come in against your matie to ruine your matie thamselvs, bot they must come in lykwayes to assycht the rebellioun heere;' that therfor the commissioners from shires and borrowis had commanded thame to represent the same to the estats as a bussines wherin this kingdomes was neerlie concerned, and that order might be given for tryall and censure of the said erle accordinglie. Quherupon the conventioun ordanit maissors to passe and charge the said erle of Carnwath to come and sycht his persone presentlie with all diligence befor the conventioun as he will be answerable.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.41v-42r. Back