[Report of the committee to consider the business regarding the Prince Elector Palatine]

Anent the Prince Elector Palatyne

Undecimo Novembris 1641

Rege presente.

The kingis majestie desyred the parliament to tak to thair consideratioun the conditioun of Prince Palatyne and quhat course is fitting for testifeing thair respect and affectioun to the said prince. The parliament thinkis fitt to appoynt ane comittie to considder thairupoun, and for that effect nominatts the generall, Eglintowne, Lowdiane and Lord Almond for the nobilitie; the Lairds of Wedderburne, Dune, Moncreiff and Birkinboig for the barrons; the commissioners for Edinburgh, Richard Maxwell, Dundy, Sterling and Lithgow for the burrows.

Undecimo Novembris 1641, post meridiem

The committie, having takin to thair consideratioun the manifest maid be his majestie and estaits of parliament in favours of the Prince Elector and his royall cair, that the conditioun of his nephew may be takin into consideratioun befoir the dissolving of this present parliament, it is thair humbill opinioun that thair may be 10,000 Scott levied, armed, victualled and transported to quhat randevow in Germanie sall be thocht expedient for the Prince Elector's service upoun the chairges of this kingdome, and this upoun the termes of particular instructiones to be gevin in this purpois to oure commissioners who ar to be appoynted to goe into Ingland to treate with the parliament of Ingland anent the remainder of the treatie.

[12] Novembris 1641

Red be the nobilitie.

12 Novembris 1641

Red, voitted and past in parliament, as it is seene in manner abovewritten.

Balmerino, I[n] p[raesentia] d[ominorum] parliamenti

  1. NAS, PA6/5, 'November 12 1641'. Back
  2. This clause is written on the rear of the document. In addition, there is a second title given to this document: 'Act [23] in favours of Prince Elector Palatyne anent the 10,000 men to be sent to Germanie, 12 November 1641'. Back
  3. Replaces 'Morphie', deleted. Back