[Supplication of the Earl of Crawford for release from his imprisonment]

Supplicatioun Erle of Crafurd, remitted to the comittie for the accomodatione

To the king's majestie and honorable estates of parliament, the humble petitioun off Lodovick, earle Crawfurd, is showing that I have bene in prissone now this 20 dayes bygone and moir and since I was examened thir ten dayes, and seing that I have declaired the veritie according to my knowledge in that matter which I conceive to be the occatioun of my imprissonment, my humble petitioun is that I may be put to libertie upoun cautioun to appeir beffoir the king's majestie and parliament quhen I sall be commandit, or that some furder legall course may be taikin for my tryall and for the cleiring of my inocencie or for my punishment incaice I be found guiltie. And your majesties and parliament's answer I humblie intreit and sall still pray for your majestie happie and long reigne and for the prosperous flurishing of the honorable hous of parliament.

Your majestie humble petitioner, Crafurd

5 November 1641

Red in audience of his majestie and estattis of parliament, who remittis the supplicatione and desyre therof to the consideratione of the committee appointed for accomodatione.

  1. NAS, PA6/5, 'November 5 1641'. Back
  2. This clause is written on the rear of the document. Back