3 November 1641

[Report of the committee for the examination of the Earl of Montrose]

Apud Edinburgh, secundo Novemb[er] 1641

The quhilk day the supplicatioune gevin in to the kingis majestie and estates of parliament be the Erle of Montrois, the Lord Naper and the Lairdis of Keir and Blakhall, desyring enlargement upon cautioune conforme to the manie practiques condiscendit upon and gevin in with the said supplicatioune, being red in audience of his majestie and parliament, the king's majestie and estates of parliament, before they give answer to the foirsaid supplicatioune and desyre thairof, ordanis the Erle of Montrois to be examinat upon the lettre writtin be him to his majestie and upon any uthair thing to be demandit at his lord. And for his examinatioune, nominatis and appointis the comittie formarlie appointed for the late 'Incident', to whome the king's majestie and estates of parliament geivis heirby power and warrand to examinat the said erle upon the foirsaid lettre writtin be him to the kingis majestie and upon anie uthair thing to be demandit at him as said is be thir presentis, subscryvit be the president of the parliament be ordour from the king and parliament, day and place foirsaids.

At Edinburgh, 2 November 1641

In presens of the committie appointed be the parliament, conforme to the tenor of the commissione abovewritten, compeired the Earle of Montrose, who being interrogat what was the meaning of the letter sent be his lord to his majestie on Monday the ellevint of October last, bearing these words or the lyke: that his lord will mak knowen to his majestie no les then what may concerne the standing and falling of his majesties croune, bothe and honor, ansuered that for the words his lord did wryte he dois not particularly remember, bot as his lord did understand them their meaning wes suche as he did already declair befor his majestie and suche uthairis as wer there present, which wes that being questioned whither or not his lord meant thereby the accusatione of any particular persones, ansuered then as now that his lord did not thereby accuse or intend to accuse any howsoever. And being also asked what was understood be the affirmative pairt of these words, ansuered that he did meane nothing mainely in particular, bot only what his lord in his humble opinions did conceave mycht contribute and concerne the peace and quiet of the publict.

Montrosse; Balmerinocht, I[n] p[raesentia] c[oncilii] d[ominorum]

3 November 1641

Red in audience of his majestie and parliament, who takis the same to thair consideratione and to advyse what shall be further done.

  1. NAS, PA6/5, 'November 3 1641'. Back
  2. This clause is written on the rear of the document. Back