2 November 1641

[Petition of Lieutenant General James King regarding his citation to parliament]

Petitioun Lieuetennent Generall King to the parliament

For your sacrett majestie and your honorabill house of parliament

I, your majesties petitioner, heumblie preayis your majestie and your great counsell and honorabill house of parliment gratiuslie to teak in your majestie and ther remembrance how that it hes beine your majesties petitioner his misfortoune (bot for quhat cause unknowin to himself) to heave bein inrollit amongst ether offenders ageanst ther native contray of Scotland, and also sistit by proclammatione, wherfor, being confident of my owin innocencie and consious of my zealus affection I ever did beare to my native countray, I thocht fitt to parrire and answyre the sittatione by my appeiring heir at this tyme.

Heumblie preaying your majestie and your most honorabill house of parliement with your and ther first and best conveniencie gratiuslie to admitt me to meak my owin appollagie befor your majestie and your honorabill house of parliament, and from thence in most submisse meaner to expect your majesties and ther royall and favorabill answyre, which I do not dout wilbe such as will not onlie restor me to my former integritie in setting me in the gud oppinione of the peirs of my contray and countraymen, bot also such an answyre as will stoppe the mouths of my malignants abrode.

For which royall favor from your majestie, amongst meany and confidentlie expecttit courtoussie from your honorabill house of parliement, I shall ever preay for your majesties long and happie reaygne over that honorabill house and for ther prosperous sucsess to all thair honorabill actions, aswell the present as those they shall negotiatt in all insewing tyms; and that they meay tend to God his glorie, to the honour of your majestie and your royell progenie and to the continewall flurishing of your majesties monarchie.

Your majesties most heumbill and feathfull searvand, James King, Eddenbruch, the 1 of October anno 1641

8 October 1641

Red in presence of the nobilitie.

2 November 1641

Red in audience of his majestie and parliament, who, haifing callit the supplicant befoir thame and hard him make his expressioune and answers to some ground of challenge against him, they appoint his name to be deleitt out of the summondis, and that he may haif ane testimonie to repair him to his credite in forraine natiounes, leist he suffer abroade as being taxed for ane enemie to his countrie, the said lieutennant generall allwayes subscryving the covenant and band.

  1. NAS, PA6/5, 'November 2 1641'. Back
  2. These first two clauses are written on the rear of the document. Back
  3. These two clauses are written on the rear of the document. Back
  4. NAS, PA6/5, 'November 2 1641'. Back
[Supplication of the Earl of Crawford for release from his imprisonment]

To his sacred majestie,

The humble petitioun of Lodovick, earle Crawfurd, humblie showeth quhairas he hes bene detenit in close prissone this long tyme bygone to his great prejudice, and now having deponit all that he knoweth in quhat hes bene demandit of him so far as his best memorie did serve him, humblie desyreth that your sacred majestie will taik ordour for his releisment or utherways let him know quhat farder the parliament hes to say against him.

Your majesties humble petitioner humblie desyreth ane answer, Crafurd

2 November 1641

Red in audience of his majestie and parliament, who continewis to give answer thairto whill the morne.

  1. NAS, PA6/5, 'November 2 1641'. Back
  2. These first two clauses are written on the rear of the document. Back
  3. These two clauses are written on the rear of the document. Back
  4. NAS, PA6/5, 'November 2 1641'. Back