[Propositions from the general committee regarding the nomination of officers of state, council and session]

Propositiones from the general committie anent officers of state etc.

6 October, a meridie

1. That the comissioune for ordouring of the thesaurie be drawin up. The names and number of the commissioners with thair quorum be condiscendit upon to endure till the nixt parliament and to be grantit be the kingis majestie with advyce and approbatioune of the parliament.

2. The actis of parliament which ar prepared in the beginning of this session before the king his comeing hither are to be voyced and past in parliament according to the catallogue heirwithproducit.

3. The officers of state which war formarlie in place ar now to be approvin according to the act, viz: the Erle of Roxburgh, privie seall; the Erle of Lanerk, secretarie; the kingis advocat, Sir Thomas Hoip; the thesaurer deput, Sir James Carmichaell; the justice clerk, Sir Johne Hamiltoune; master of requeistis, Sir James Galloway, who is to be takine into consideratioune amongs these wha ar citat to the parliament.

4. Becaus the clerk of registere his place is of great importance and trust bothe for the king and his subjectis, that such a person may be nominat as is of knawine integritie and abilitie who may have the parliament's approbation without contradiction.

5. That the nominatioune of privie counsallours may be rectified. It wilbe fit to advyis with our severall bodies how the samene may be best done.

6. Course wald be takine presentlie that the voyid places of session or such as ar to be changed may be filled with the fittest men, and that tymous advyce may be gevin to his majestie that suche as salbe named may be approvin without contraversie.

  1. NAS, PA6/7, 'Appendix, October 5 1641'. Back