[Supplication complaining of want of justice and that the lords of session refuse to pass bills]

To the kingis moist excellent majestie and honorable estaites of parliament,

Humblie shawing,

Whearas it is havelie complained upon and creed forth by divers his majesties guid and loyall subjectis haifing commoun negotiations and effairis to go about tendering the credeit and imploymentis, pairtlie craveing commoun lettres of horning, inhibitiones, arreistmentis and other commoun effairis, wthers ar wnjustlie chairgit with lettres of horning and persewit befoir inferior judges and ar constrained to sute remeid in law be suspensiounes, and advocatiounes being the ordinar cours of justice be graunting dispensatione for sitting of inferior courtis, conform to use and wont, the benefiet quhairof is laitlie denyed and refuissed to his hieness haill leidgis within this realme by the lordis of council and sessioun without ony knawin caus to his hieness leidgis. Quhair throw justice is now altogiddir with haldin fra his majesties leidgis, traffique, commerce and handling is altogidder liklie to dissolve and may infer a fearfull and dangerous preparitive gif remeid be not tymouslie provydit thairto.

Heirfoir besiekis moist sacred majestie and estaitis of parliament to haif considderatioune of the premisis and to tak sic summar and expedient course for remeid of the premiss as the equitie of the caus requyres.

Ultimo Septemb[er] 1641

Red in audience of his majestie and estaitis of parliament, who appointis everie estaite to haif ane copie heirof to be advysed whill the morne.

Primo October 1641

Red in presens of the noblemen.

2 Octob[er] 1641

Red in audience of his majestie and estaitis of parliament, who gevis warrand to the lordis of sessioun to doe all and everie dewtie incumbent to thair charge conforme to use and wont, ay and whill the king and parliament signifie thair further pleasure heiranent. And ordanis ane act to be maid and extracted heirupon for thair warrand.

Balmerino, I[n] p[raesentia] d[ominorum] parl[iamenti]

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'October 2 1641'. Back